Jan 09, 2024 10:25
As is typical in "current year" the media was fueling paranoia among the few who still watch concerning an impending snowstorm that was coming last night. My mother, being one of the mindless sheep that actually believes the news, was in full-on panic over this. But, as is the case every time, the storm turned out to be a nothing burger. There was barely an inch on the ground when I woke up this morning. Heavy snow started around 6 A.M. but soon after turned into slush and now rain.
The past several years this type of thing has happened, where the news ramps up some impending storm as if it is apocalyptic and it turns out to barely be a blip. Christmas of 2022, or I should say a couple days beforehand, they did this exact thing. They ramped people up into a frenzy. People were fleeing work midday. Most of course were likely just looking for an excuse to get out early with Christmas only a few days away. UPS even went as far as to shutdown their services the remaining few days before the holiday, which caused our gifts to the Sparrow's family to be delayed a week.
And when the storm hit? It was nothing. My mother was in a complete panic, telling me that we needed to stay home for Christmas, which was still like two days away. She said the news told her there would be immense windstorms. Feet of snow were supposed to fall. And just like today, there was barely anything to speak of.
Yet, time and time again the dumb sheep get worked up as the news blatantly and repeatedly lies to them. And with their own eyes, they can see the evidence of this. They can choose to use their memories and recall that almost every time the news claims a big storm is coming, nothing materializes. In fact, the only big snowstorm I can remember from the last couple years there was no media panic over it. It just kinda happened and stuff was buried and people went on with their days.
Whether the news does this just to try and be relevant, or if they're pushing some bogus "climate change" agenda, or they're just trying to scare the hell out of morons to keep them distracted, who even knows. Pick your conspiracy theory and chances are it's probably true like all of the Covid ones turned out to be.
Speaking of, when I had my uncomfortable call with my mother yesterday the news also had her in a panic over that. Whatever "new" Covid strain there apparently is, but also they are trying to make the flu scary now. As well as some other three-letter acronym sickness they've been pushing for months.
I guess to top it off, the hospital near my mother is requiring masks again. Though I feel like her mentioning that was to insinuate she'd been there to take my sister back for her prolonged performance as a dying gallbladder patient. I'd heard earlier that morning from Styx that New York hospitals were requiring masks again as well. And of course all the dumb sheep will put their little security blankets on their faces and believe these magical cloth talismans will protect from the big, scary diseases.
It's really become this constant waiting game to see which corporations and state governments try bringing all this draconian bullshit back. Because you know with society being 90% stupid, that everyone will jump right back on it again. All of them shouting about "the science", of which they know nothing about.
I guess Howard Stern, who went from shock jock to complete liberal dick sucking cuck got Covid AGAIN. This is a man who wanted "anti vaxxers" thrown in prison, and who has been boosted endless number of times. He got Covid (again) and then got his wife sick and he STILL champions the vaccine and lambasts people who didn't get it. Right in front of your eyes sits the evidence. You got the shot, it did nothing. The (installed) president of the United States is on record, on film, saying the vaccinated won't get Covid, and yet they all do... in fact, seemingly at a higher rate than the unvaxxed. Yet, they are all so brainwashed that their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to see reality.
They actually believe that the vax is keeping them from dying, and that the unvaxxed are still dropping dead if they do get the Coof. In reality though, with my own eyes I've seen several vaxxed people who are CONSTANTLY sick now. Lezzo at work got the shot at the tail end of the clown show in like 2022 and ever since, every other week, she and her family of lemmings are all sick. Previously, maybe once a year she'd be out with a cold or the flu. Now it is monthly that she's ill.
My mom's friend has had horrible issues since getting jabbed. All kinds of sickness, skin reactions, hair falling out. She was perfectly healthy beforehand. Just a coincidence?
I hate to be mean, but at the same time I'd love to see more of that. There's something satisfying about seeing people getting what they deserve. Especially people like Howard Stern and the other brainless celebrity pedos who've made millions talking down there noses to the equally stupid people who follow them.
I really do feel above it all when it comes to the vaccine. Myself, my partner and the aware members of our families all chose not to get jabbed because we were intelligent enough to see what a ridiculous farce it was. The Sparrow's work was literally trying to pay people to get jabbed. Who does that? People's jobs were threaten (and taken). An entire rift started to form in society, where these pathetic liberal sheep all started to think they were superior to anyone that dared to question "the science".
Science intrinsically SHOULD be questioned. But not to those fucking morons. I've heard it said before and I really understand and see it now in life daily: Most people cannot think for themselves. The have an urgency and a deep need to be told what to do. They have this anxiety to be part of a group or collective. They feel the power of being in such a situation, and as was evidenced with the Covid "pandemic", they enjoy the imagined power that position gives them. All those Karens out there loved to be able to chastise and finger wag at people, causing big scenes in public. It gave meaning to their pathetic, uninspiring and sad lives.
As far as my sad, uninspiring life goes? Well, I get to say that I stood up against what might have been the biggest psyops in history and did not cave in. All that societal pressure. All the threats from businesses and governments alike. Their attempt to ostracize people like myself from society. The attempt to take away choice and free will. It all failed. And I stood against it.
Yay me!