Gone In 60 Seconds

Sep 04, 2023 08:40

Three-day weekend and it's already almost over.

Yesterday we decided was going to be a relaxing "day drinking" day. Though we both felt guilty about this because there is a literal list of things to do around here we could have tried accomplishing. Not to say it wasn't an okay time, though the bar down the street we hang out at had live music starting at 2:00. So, we were only there for about two hours before we had to leave. It's not that I *need* to have a jukebox to control. It's just live music is not entertaining in a small place, or conducive to conversation because you can't hear anything. Plus, seeing all these middle-aged cover bands is starting to get cringy.

We ended up going slightly farther down the street to this other bar we've been wanting to check out for a long time. It was fine in there. Not too crowded and a big place. Mostly clean. It was free pool so we screwed around playing badly for a while. Unfortunately, the drinks there were a bit strong and really pushed me too far over the sobriety edge. At the first place also I was drinking cocktails mixed with tea. They had some really good sweet tea, lemon and peach vodkas we were experimenting with. I find I get sicker when I go out drinking and have Sprite or 7-Up in my drinks, so I was trying to avoid that. But, at the new place I just got the old standard.

I was quite drunk when we got home and an hour after bed I was going Exorcist into the toilet. Though, I think it helped greatly as I didn't wake feeling too sick. Though I was really dehydrated all night and kept waking up thinking about liquids.

We are supposed to go help the Bro-In-Law and Gayle move some stuff to their new apartment today. The Bro-In-Law claims he's going to walk into the U-Haul place and "just get a truck" but I really don't think that is going to be possible. At Home Depot it might be, but U-Haul is always booked up and needs reservations. Either way, I've jammed a ton of shit over the years into the Jeep so I am not concerned about being slowed down by the lack of a truck. If push comes to shove we can strap a mattress or whatever on the top of the Jeep. They aren't moving too far from their current location.

My one wish is that we get done and are home by 3:00 or so. I am just feeling that general dread about going back to work this week as I have real projects to start tackling and I am not in the mood for them.

I cleaned and replaced all the hummingbird feeders this morning since I was still up at 5:30 AM regardless of the drinking. It was a really nice morning out. A bit warm and humid, but not oppressive. There was a thick haze on the fields across the road and it made for a beautiful sunrise. I saw a opossum walking along the fence line as I was filling the bird feeders. He didn't look like the young one I'd seen last week. We've had crows showing up in back, which is fun. Of all the birds we get, the crows seem the most timid about landing in the yard.

Right now there's about six or so grackles all over the front feeder. The birds haven't seem as active at the feeders the past few weeks. I'm having to fill them less, which is good. Amazingly, the expensive seed we get has lasted quite a long time from last month. A sure sign the birds aren't eating as much seed.

Need to decide what to get to eat. White Castle sounds tempting. No doubt all the breakfast places are already packed. I suppose we should just head towards the Bro-In-Laws and find something out there.

birding, nature, moving

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