Ain’t nothin but a hound dog

Mar 02, 2005 10:04

"Accursed is he who thinks and thinks but is never happy in his thoughts, who can never say-"Here I am, thinking." It is no fun, no sport, this eternal thinking of mine which goes on a good twelve hours a day. Why do I do it? It's a form of brooding, I actually look like a hound-dog all day. And how my mother is used to it! I think if I were not around the house brooding she would be certain the wheels of the universe had stopped turning. And what do I think about? What thoughts I have! -What thoughts! A whole host, multitude, and world of thoughts, I keep devising new ones and reworking old ones, some of the old ones are concluded and are only thought of as conclusions, whole worlds of new ones come crashing into my feelings, and it never ends. Why do I think? Its my life, right there. Thats why I must be alone and thinking six days out of the week, because it's my life. What will these thoughts win me? -They are not of this world. I dont know what they are myself." -Jack Kerouac

It's odd I find reading someone else's journal odd. Not like I don't do it every day already. Kerouac's though seems immediately frantic and not dissimilar to my own. Insanity loves company?

Another day, another dollar here. Fitting like a pair of pants too short in the leg. I was dealing with a deficiency in the consultant's clone this morning in Happilys section when she called me over about some strange issue with her Outlook. For whatever reason, after she said she had been holding down the shift key for an extended period, she was unable to type in any of the emails. Upon inspection, I couldn't even get task manager to come up so obviously, something was off with the whole system. So, I did what any tech would have done and rebooted.

When it came back up and it worked, this spurred a comment of disbelief that it was so easy. As if rebooting was a sham. Followed by a comment that it's all the Consultant Guy would have done, and gotten paid $90for. Rest assured I am being paid far less than that, and my methods are sound. I am not pointing fingers and calling out stupid here. But, I don't get why users are so offended by a reboot fixing things.

The guy that wrote the DOS program they all use over there responded to Happily's email last night and said he'd take care of the address changes. This, of course, left Happily pissed off because she doesn't like the guy. Which was followed by a comment in front of one of the hire-ups, pointing at me "Why the hell do we have him sitting here if he's not going to take care of stuff like this?"

I wasn't long in my response back that I wasn't just sitting in her department with my thumb up my butt. I was there working on something (She and her three girls have more problems on a daily basis than the rest of the company combined). It lead me to a second point I didn't speak out loud. Why the hell is she trying to push off this busy work/address change bullshit on me? You cannot tell me in the ten years they've used that program they've never had an address change come up before? I would think such things would be essential for a user to know about a program they were using.

If this is her way of trying to get me to "take over" the program, she's got another thing coming. I am not a programmer, nor do I have the slightest idea outside of the rudimentary uses of DOS. This guy in California wrote the entire program himself. How does it even make sense to try and involve me in it? Yet another personal conflict around here that I am pushed in the middle of.

It's clear they need a new program to do whatever it is theyre doing (which I still fail to understand). And, if the new software they are getting in here at the end of the year doesn't take over the functionality, they are screwed because I seriously doubt a DOS based program will work very well when they're all upgraded to Windows XP.

I cant really listen to my music at audible levels with my door open because I feel like it's too loud and carries out into the corridor. But, when I have my door closed, not only do I wanna just fuck off, but I feel like I am shutting myself off from the rest of the office. Which I guess won't always be a bad thing.

I had wanted to go to the movies one night this week, but I've been appreciating just coming home and relaxing with the weather being so frigid. I've made a major dent in the stack of CDs on my floor too. I might have my iPod totally loaded just in time for the Apocalypse. I am going to be hitting a wall soon though because my hard drive won't be big enough to support my library. Time to go shopping.

The Consultant Guy just emailed me and wants to do lunch on Friday. I am shuddering in my seat just thinking about it. What the hell am I going to talk about with a middle-aged, self-made, married father of three? The guy has time for lunch, but he can't take two seconds to update my Outlook authority. Ugh!

My final thought for the morning; if I post my resume online again, I am afraid updating it with the new info that I've only just started working somewhere new will look really bad. Not that the thing isn't a tragedy on paper already. Not that posting my resume online before did anything in the field of my own motivation to help myself.

ipod, happily/rozz, playpen, quotes, kerouac

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