Not a good way to start out Monday. I’m not even talking about the temps in the ones freezing my face off... my fricken iPod battery died and I don’t have my charger with me. Not to mention it’s only adding to my anxiety that I didn’t charge up the battery properly from the get-go and I am not getting the ”12 hours” they claim one can get with a full charge. I know when you add music it drains it faster, but come on. What the hell do I do for the commute home now? I should just keep the damn charger in my bag.
Yesterday I could have just laid around all day and did nothing if I wouldn’t have been mad at myself for doing so. But, I ran to the Brown Elephant and found a cheap mirror, and then to Jewel to get some food because my cabinets have little more than dust in them. I did some cleaning while I watched the Scissor Sisters DVD again.
I just have to continue on that it’s so damn good it’s like being at their show. Partially because some of the recording looks like it was done on someone’s home movie camera and then edited on their home PC. Regardless, there is so much energy watching the performance it leaves me singing and dancing around like a fool and literally wanting to cry in parts.
It’s made the difference also between liking a "group" as a whole and liking it for the individuals that make it up. Namely, I’ve suddenly got this thing for Del Marquis. Unlike Jake Shears with his in-your-face flamboyance, Del is reserved to the point he looks like a robotic Eddie Munster on stage. And, I absolutely love it. I wanna dress like him and be a fucking freak too!
And, he cleans up real nice too...
I hope these guys make it back to Chicago soon. I’ll be sure to stay sober and remember their show next time.
I technically should be hearing back from that job this week about my second interview. I am starting to get the feeling it’s going to turn out like the other two where I am just going to be forgotten about or pushed to the side. At which point I’ll only be partially kidding when I say suicide will be in order. I can’t come back from vacation looking down the barrel of this gun anymore. The third time is supposed to be the charm... prove it, Universe. I challenge you fucker!
I wonder if Dearest died over the weekend. Wouldn’t that be a nice surprise for Monday.
I checked last night and I already used 200 text messages on my phone. Which is just sickening seeing as I’ve only been using it since Friday afternoon. Good thing I got the unlimited plan on that. I haven’t quite figured out the email portion yet. Or maybe I am not quite understanding the info right. My battery on that died during the night too. It’s just a bad day for batteries.
Nineteen days until New Orleans. I am not quite sure I have ever been so excited about a vacation before. Then again, I never go on vacations so I digress.
I’m bored already.