The Fortress Of Ultimate Darkness

Jan 13, 2005 16:21

This fucker is driving me completely fucking bonkers today. EVERY. FIVE. FUCKING. MINUTES. He is walking into my cube for some inane, completely pointless reason. This was after he spent fifteen minutes this morning "so busy", complaining about what brand of coffee they use here. He, of course, being the only person that wants Maxwell House in an office of forty some odd people. So, to appease him, The Mole said she’d order some.





Do you know what it’s like? It’s like fucking torture. I can handle a prison camp now after the shit I’ve gone through today. It doesn’t even matter if I am working on work or personal stuff. I can’t work on anything because he keeps coming over here.

I finally just blew up at him over this helpdesk request concerning a machine that development needs for testing. They want one of the training machines reloaded for their needs, but also want the hard drive repartitioned from what it is. This means that when the machine needs to be recloned again, it’ll have to be done from scratch. I don’t even know why it’s bothering me in the slightest because if things go right it won’t even be my concern in a few weeks. But, it’s just the self-important bullshit, along the same lines of all the idiosyncratic crap I have to deal with from Dearest. Nitpicking just for the sake of nitpicking.

Yea, that all was from before lunch. It’s now 4:00 and Dearest just stormed outta here in a huff, running late because I got him suckered into calling Microsoft because none of the new license keys for the software we have are working. I was trying to finish setting up my consultant hottie’s laptop and the Office was fucked up. And, I couldn’t get any different version to install.

So Dearest is on the phone, obviously with a tech support guy in India, totally yelling his head off and trying to spell his name out like he’s talking to a deaf 90-year-old... and you can just hear the anxiety attack making the walls sweat. It was the funniest thing ever. And, the guy tried sending an email, which didn’t arrive instantly and Dearest is furiously clicking ’Send/Receive’ to no avail and then yelling at the guy that he is keeping him on the phone until the email comes. The email comes, and he can’t open it for some reason. LOL!!!

I love watching this man suffer. Suffer for your evil!! You bastard.

So he’s whining and running about getting his stuff together to leave... Late for some appointment or another and all I can think of is how that fucker loves to make me miss my train. Welcome to my personal hell asshole.

Of course, he claimed to have sent me an email with the code in it, and no email has come. I wasn’t about to stop him from leaving though. I’ll just wait until the morning when he’s calmer. I am seeing a delay in our email here as I just got one someone sent at 1:30. Gotta love the systems around here.

My new phone showed up today but I couldn’t really play with it cause I didn’t want the psychotic fuck to see it. In a normal business such things would be no one’s business, but here the receptionist had to make sure to do a Mission Impossible to keep the package concealed because Dearest would have practically opened it himself had he seen it. Nosey fuck.

Fuckity fuck fuck.

I can’t wait to get outta here... in all senses of the term.

dearest, circus, funny

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