Oct 19, 2004 09:57
I hate dealing with a problem I don’t have the brain capacity to solve. Of course, the solution I may have already found the last time I dealt with this issue, but because I am uneducated with the software I cannot be 100% sure if I am right or full of shit. I load SQL server and Reporting Services and .Net software. Any monkey can install software. But, that’s where my knowledge ends. If something isn’t working due to compatibility issues or what not I have a really hard time conceptualizing it because I only understand the one part.
At least it kept me away from my desk and away from Dearest this morning. Though, I am foreseeing some impending drama as Lynn is coming to lunch and we, A. are not inviting him with which he’ll be all upset about and B. the card key system guy is supposed to be in at some point today to "train" us and I have a feeling he’s going to come right around lunchtime.
I still didn’t get enough sleep last night. I was dying for just a half hour more this morning. I was seriously sprinting to the El this morning so I didn’t miss my train. The platform is getting increasingly crowded and it’s such a pithy thing for me to even get annoyed about. But, last year at this time, I was the only S.O.B. on that platform that early, now it’s practically as crowded as rush hour. And this one Mexican guy persists on standing right next to me when the train pulls in. A whole platform and he’s practically pushing me onto the tracks.
It’s the little things that really bring out my psychosis.
For whatever reason I was thinking about New Year’s Eve already. Wondering what the plan will be. Who’ll be around. All that. We’ve done Sidetrack for a few years in a row now. It’s fun. Not too horribly crowded. But, last year the music really, really sucked. You’d think they’d play the ’greatest hits’ of the year and maybe toss in some classic stuff, but they played all this obscure crap I don’t think anyone knew. And, the countdown was about five seconds long. It’s a big night. I want some sha-bang. Some glitz. Some explosions or something. And I don’t want to have to sell my kidney to get there.
Scissor Sisters are coming to The Vic on December 12th, so I am going to order tickets this morning. They’ve been on sale for two weeks I think and they still have some. Wonder if they're still considered an "obscure" group. Of course, Rockwell will probably come with even though he hasn’t heard any of their stuff yet. I’ve been racking my brain for reasons to buy more than two tickets. If Kristy was still here I’d drag here along, she’d love it. Betsy has been A.W.O.L. for months now. I talked to her in like May, she called me for her birthday and said she’d be home from Europe by August... not a peep since. I sent her an evite to Rockwell’s party. No word there.
Not all that concerned since it’s the norm of our friendship. I’m wondering if she’ll end up married the next time we talk. Of course, wasn’t she having relationship woes way back when with her hot Croatian boyfriend? I can’t remember.
All the reviews I have read keep saying Scissor Sisters live is a major event. I am looking forward to it I think. Hope I am still into them in a month. I’ve had a lot of thoughts on their CD I’ll have to write up later when I am not looking over my shoulder every two minutes.
My only other counterpart in crime here at the office and I were talking yesterday when Dearest inserted himself into our conversation (which had been about him) and then proceeded to talk about this new sales guy that started a couple weeks ago. He went on about how the guy was rude to him and demanded he fix something, before they had even met. The entire story was a lie and I just do not understand why Dearest lies about such stupid, B.S. things.
He said he hadn’t been introduced to the guy, which was a lie. Jennifer’s old boss, Is That An Earthquake?, walked around and introduced him to everyone his first day here. I heard him bring the guy into Dearest’s office because I remember being embarrassed at what a queen his first impression would make him out to be. Then he said the guy was demanding things? Um, hardly. The guy was a bit annoying always walking over here instead of using the Helpdesk, but he was never rude about it. And, I can’t imagine a new person in an office being rude and demanding things from a manager.
I just do not understand what mental deficiency causes Dearest to lie like this. Does he want people to like him? Does he just love the drama and gossip? Is he simply pathetic?
He also spent the day walking around overacting the head cold he had. Whining that the card key guy had been in and he thought the training was yesterday so it was the only reason he was sticking around. I am surprised he can fit through the aisles here with his arms nailed to such a big cross.
And I want to give all this up?
scissor sisters