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billybob53 User Number: 4058375
Date Created:8/3/2004
Number of Posts: 15
Bob is a superhero of epic proportions who can, in a single day, repair any and all damages to SRLFD apparatus, placate whiny officers, fulfill all duties as an RLFD Lieutenant, and perform enough basic home maintenance to keep his wife quiet. Temporarily.
Strengths: Strong-willed,
Weaknesses: Doesn't play well with others,
Special Skills: MacGuyver-like improvisational ability,
Able to hoard vast quantities of useless trivia while forgetting he needs to buy milk between the front door and the car,
Skilled in the ancient "Wrench" fighting style
Weapons: Wrench,
Halligan Tool,
Axe (Pick or Flat head, you choose),
Fire Truck (usually most devastating of all)
Battle Cry: Dammit, not again!
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