The Cure For My Itch

Feb 21, 2005 22:29

Well, I haven't wrote in here cause I have been so busy with overthinkning myself about my life. My stress and my frastruation...not to mention my roadblocks.I know I am in a test. But why me? Why now? Why? What I am about to write can explain some, at least I hope. What and who I am only needs to make sense to yeah if you get it you get one ever reads this thing anyway..cept many Sara and she knows everything cus shes my pillow I vent yeah...

'' The wall I bulit around myself, I never meant to build. I never meant to push you away or block you from getting to me. God is really the only one who can see into me..the only one who can see over the wall...the stupid wall. It's funny how you can say a few words and a door I can let you inside my wall for a time and then when I feel threatened I push you out..but you always find a way back in. I don't even what a wall up that blocks you...I want you to be able to see me. But I'm afraid to let you see me weak and open. I been that way too many times before and allowed myself to be hurt, even thou I know you wouldn't hurt me. I hide behind my fear..I hide behind this mask. I want to take it off and sometimes I do...when I am open to you..and what you have to say...sometimes I am not afraid to let you in and show you me. Other times, I'm terrified you might not like what you see. God is working in me, and I'm art in motion. I'm his own special work in progress, but aren't we all? Help me help you by helping me tear down this wall once and for all. Teach me how to use wisdom to protect myself but teach me grace to allow myself to be open. Teach me how to me..not by mere words..but by action...Jesus taught by action...So be like Jesus and teach me. Your words will help me but let me fellow you...let me see your footsteps and maybe, just maybe this can work.''

Well anywho..yeah life is werid. I am a work in progress...bear with me...I love everyone..I love my friends and my family...I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Love P.Duty
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