This journal, like so many now, is friends only. Remember when they were almost all public journals? God, we were stupid! Send me an email if you would like to be added to my list. I don't bite, unless you ask nicely. :)
Occasionally, I go through my list and remove people who seem to have stopped updating. There is no good reason for this, really, other than the fact that I like to fool myself into thinking that I have all my shit together and organized. I know better and you know better, but please pretend with me.
I am also fully aware, that this is somewhat hypocritical. I invite you to join me in turning a blind eye.
That said, if I have removed your journal from my friends list and you'd rather I hadn't, then please just send me an email and we'll get that sorted out. For all my self-deception, I am aware that a "trimmed friends list" is only and always an illusion. And as much as I love an illusion, I can be real about this ;)