May 17, 2007 23:31
Well and so. Today I made with the leaving of school. It's not really that big a deal, I suppose, as we're all back in for exams and such in upcoming weeks, and then there will be the ball and results day. It's not like this is the last time I'll ever see any of these people.
It was, however, our last ever day of formal lessons. That was a little strange. It was our chance to say goodbye to teachers who may not necessarily be around when we're in at later points.
I feel so strange leaving. I suppose that's not really anything out of the ordinary, but I do. I've been there f nearly seven years, I was only 11 when I first started. It only seems like a couple of years since I was being dropped off for my first ever day.
And there's the friends. I'll still see them, I hope I'll keep in contact with them. But they won't be there every day. They won't be there the moment I need them. I hope I'll soon have friends to replace them, but I'm not sure I want that. These guys are the ones I chose...I don't want to change them. I think I should really be seeing it as addition rather than substitution, but I'm still so sad about this whole thing, that I find it difficult to see it that way.
Plus my little form (for whom I have been a stand in prefect) bought all us prefects a present (a £10 HMV voucher) and there were cards. And photos. And time warps. Saying goodbye to them was pretty rough, knowing they'll just go on exactly as they were, just without us, and that we'll all be off to bigger, brighter and very different things. They seem to think we were very lucky to be leaving, I think we did too, until it came to the actual business of leaving. I know for a fact I wasn't the only one uttering the immortal words 'no, I've changed my mind. I want to stay.'
Ugh...this is an incredibly long entry for me, but it seems worth it. This is a very momentous occasion for me, I wanted to mark it somehow.
Hell, I don't know what I'm going to do without that place. It was a second home for 7 years. More so even than primary school was, and, god knows, I miss that. I just can't believe 7 years has gone that fast.