Title: All Is Not As It Seems (1/3)
Fandom: Torchwood/Harry Potter
Characters: Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harknes, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper, Albus Dumbledore, and a few more....
Rating: Not really sure - PG/PG-13
Disclaimer: The BBC and RTD own Torchwood. Harry Potter belongs to JK and Warner Brothers
Spoilers: A lot of Torchwood and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Summery: The Torchwood team find themselves as children on a train in the middle of nowhere. when they arrive to their mystery destination, they find themselves and their true friends.
Warning: Gwen-bashing
A/N: This is for a project for my Creative Writing
class, and I'd thought I'd share it with you....please let me know it there are any typo's and/or grammatical errors.
It felt like he was moving, or more like something was moving with him on it and going fast. He vaguely wondered what he drank
last night before attempting to rollover onto his side to find a body mass next to him. A small smile played on his lips as he put an arm around his bed partners’ middle. Slowly, as he and his partner settled into each other comfortably, he was becoming more aware of his surroundings.
The first thing that clicked in his mind was that he, in fact, was not laying in bed, but was laying sideways on an uncomfortable seat with his arm around a smaller than normal waist. The next thing he noticed was that there was
a window open blowing in a rush of cold air and rain, making him wonder if his partner opened a window during the night. The last thing was the faint click-click-click of a train speeding over its tracks at an unknown speed.
He bolted upright, startling the person next to him. His heart hammered in his chest and his blue eyes scanned the area. It seemed to him that he was in a train compartment, and as he looked out the window that was to his immediate right saw a vast countryside landscape with rolling hills passing by, darkened by the lack of sun and the storm clouds which brought down a raging storm. Taking a more detailed look at his train compartment, he saw three children sat across from him, two girls and a boy all about the same age. Looking next to him, searching for his partner, he found another boy lying next to him.
It seemed to him that he was in trouble. The last thing he remembered was falling into bed, his arms wrapped around his lover as they slowly fell asleep after a seemingly endless day working at Torchwood Three. He did not remember getting on a train with a bunch of children and falling asleep.
The boy next to him stirred, slowly awakening, moaning and grunting as he realized he was rudely taken from his sleep when the man next to him jumped up. “Ugh, it’s too early, Yan,
go back to sleep.”
Something about the boy was familiar to him. His jaw line and cleft chin were the first things to pop out at him. Once the boy opened his eyes a
sliver to reveal the familiar blue-gray eyes that could stare deep into your soul and know everything.
“Jack?” he whispered, shocked that his own voice sounded childlike.
“I said, go back to sleep, Yan,” the boy groaned. “And close the window.”
Quickly he shook the boy, urgently saying his name again. “Jack, I think there’s something wrong…”
The boy groaned again and sat up straight before turning toward the man. “Ianto Jones, if I have to tie you down to make you leave me alone for a few hours, I will,” he smirked to himself. “Then again, I can tie you down and then tire you out with some vigorous activity.”
“Jack!” Ianto nearly screamed.
“What?” Jack said annoyed. He eyed Ianto very seriously. “Why do you look like you’re a kid?”
“You’re a kid, too, Jack,” Ianto pointed out. “We all are!”
Jack quickly assessed that, yes, he was a child and there were others in the compartment with them fast asleep and unawares of the scene in front of them. Upon further inspection, Jack pointed out that the other three sat across from them were the other members of the Torchwood team. Jack sat back and then looked out the window.
“Where are we?” he asked Ianto.
“Why should I know? I only woke up a few minutes before you,” Ianto answered, peeved.
“You’re the one that claims he knows everything,” Jack pointed out.
“Yes, everything about Cardiff and Torchwood,” Ianto rolled his eyes. “The last I checked, this isn’t Cardiff or Torchwood.”
Huffing like the child he was, physically and mentally, whether it’s because him mind regressed like his body or because he was always like that, Ianto dreaded to think, Jack kicked the closest available leg of the trio across from them. To both Jack and Ianto’s glee, it happened to be the team’s medic, Doctor Owen Harper, as the Londoner like to remind them. Squealing like a girl and effectively dislodging and waking up both of the woman on either side of him, Owen quickly stood on unsteady feet with his hands at the ready to karate chop anything. Jack and Ianto both snickered at the sight.
“Alright,” Owen grumbled. “Why am I surrounded by twerps?”
“Oh, shut it, Owen,” Gwen whined. “You’re more annoying now then you were as an adult. Sit down and keep that mouth of your shut, or I’ll shut it…permanently.”
If was even possible, Gwen Cooper was even more annoying as a child. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard and the gap between her two front teeth was even wider making it look like she had lost some of her teeth. Ianto couldn’t believe they shared the same Welsh heritage. In his honorable opinion, Gwen disgraced the name of Welshwoman. He wondered how such a self-righteous and incompetent woman had made it as one of Cardiff’s Police Constables on the beat before coming to Torchwood - which was the worst mistake Jack had ever made, once again in Ianto’s honorable opinion.
“Jack,” Tosh’s small voice carried in the client that penetrated their compartment. “Do you know what happened to us? To be honest, I’m slightly frightened.”
Toshiko Sato, the one woman in the world that, in all definitions of the word, could be described as innocent. Sure, the Asian woman was a technical genius and can tell the tail end of temporal distorter and create an early warning system for a Rift in time and space that runs through Cardiff and build her own sonic modulator with faulty blueprints in order to save her mother’s life and risk treason. Tosh does what she does out of love, and that’s what separate girls from woman. Never truly afraid to show her feelings, unless it came from her own misplaced feelings for a certain Londoner, Ianto considered Tosh to be his best friend.
Ianto slightly nudged his lover, signaling him to make room, as he held out his hand to his friend. She took the offered hand and let him pull her next to him and the space that Jack had made for her. He wrapped his arms around her and she cuddled into his side. Jack hugged her from the opposite side, successfully sandwiching her between the two men/boys.
“It’s going to be alright, Tosh,” Jack whispered to her as he squeezed her tight. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The compartment door slid open, making the Torchwood team jump in surprise. A curly red-head boy in his mid teens stood in the doorway wearing black robes with a lion crest and a red and gold tie. He had an air of smugness that automatically made Ianto dislike him. The boy looked at them down his nose, eyeing them critically and seemed to have come to the conclusion that they weren’t worth his time. He huffed, “You five best be putting on your robes. We’ll be arriving soon.”
Before anyone could ask the boy exactly where they would be arriving, he left the compartment and the door slammed shut. Ianto looked up at the carrying racks about their heads to find five trunks. He stood and took down the trunk that had his initials ‘I.J.’ written on it in gold. Placing the trunk on the floor, he kneeled down to open it and pulled out the black robes that was on top, along with a wooden stick. Looking at the crest on the robes and on the matching black tie, he noticed it was strikingly different from the curly red-headed boy. Closing his trunk, he put it back on the overhead carrying racks and watched as the others pulled out their robes and wooden sticks.
Quickly and quietly, turning away from each other for privacy, everyone changed into their robes. When Ianto turned around, pulling the last loop out of his tie, he saw that everyone was done changing, except none of them had their ties done. Being the only one in the team to wear a suit out of the Torchwood Team, he was the only one that knew how to tie a toe properly. Smiling and rolling his eyes in his oh-so Ianto way, Ianto did up everyone else’s tie, saving Jack for last.
“I knew you wearing suits would come in handy one day,” Jack laughed as Ianto finished.
“Really, sir?” Ianto smiled. “I thought it came in handy every day.”
Jack laughed again, “Well, they do make very good blindfolds.”
Owen groaned. “Don’t you two ever stop?”
Before Ianto could go back with a witty remark, a voice echoed throughout the compartment, “We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes’ time. Please leave your luggage on the train; it will be taken to the school separately.”
“School?” Owen complained. “What are we doing at a bloody school?”
The answer was obvious; at least to Ianto and Tosh it was.