Title: All Is Not As It Seems
Fandom: Torchwood/Harry Potter
Characters: Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harknes, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper, Albus Dumbledore, and a few more....
Rating: Not really sure - PG/PG-13
Disclaimer: The BBC and RTD own Torchwood. Harry Potter belongs to JK and Warner Brothers
Spoilers: A lot of Torchwood and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Summery: The Torchwood team find themselves as children on a train in the middle of nowhere. when they arrive to their mystery destination, they find themselves and their true friends.
Warning: Gwen-bashing
A/N: This is for a project for my Creative Writing
class, and I'd thought I'd share it with you....please let me know it there are any typo's and/or grammatical errors.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 ----
Title: All Is Not As It Seems: School Years
Chatpter: Prologue
Fandom: Torchwood/Harry Potter
Characters: Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harknes, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper, Albus Dumbledore, and a few more....
Rating: Not really sure - PG/PG-13
Disclaimer: The BBC and RTD own Torchwood. Harry Potter belongs to JK and Warner Brothers
Spoilers: A lot of Torchwood and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Summery: Sequel to
All Is Not As It Seems. The Torchwood team has just started their first year at Hogwarts, and this is there adventure.
Warning: Gwen-bashing
A/N: the title is a WIP. I'm up for suggestions.