
Sep 07, 2005 10:44

This must be one of those idle periods of life. Things are going on all around me, but myself, in my life, is pretty boring. Danielle and I are schmoozing at each other long distance (thank goodness for free long distance phone service), Lauren and I are swapping music and talking manga, and Witty's just being chill for a while. At least the weather's been good, lately. Cool at night, and reasonable in the morning and evening. At midday, it's only moderately hot. I am ever so glad Fall is coming! Whee!

Work is miserably behind schedule, but not from anything I have done. I'm helping them take up slack, so I am not worried about it. If anyone gets neck-chopped for my store's procrastination, it will not be me, and will not be because of me. It's kind of amazing how we actually seem to have plenty of people who'll work, but yet still fall so far behind... Doop doop doop.

Maybe it's this dull period, or maybe it's downtime from Danielle's last visit, or maybe it's reading about friends coming back from Dragon*Con, (probably all three) but I am missing a certain amount of crazy-fun in my life. I would like some off-the-wall, uninhibited wacky hijinks, just a few. Honestly, though, now that I think about it, it's also the weather. Up until last year, at least, Fall has always been Big Party Time for me in one way or another. I didn't do much of anything last year, and I'm missing the Silly and the Boozin' and the Dancin' and the Friends (not necessarily in that order).

Hey, at least I've still got the Lovin' and the Sexin'. Hehehe. Oh, man. *ahem* But them's stories for off-LJ telling. Sorry, folks.

weather, work, blah, friends, living

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