The phone said S.O.S.

Jan 01, 2005 07:00

-I worked an extra day today. Yay, overtime pay.

-I bought a C3PO Pez dispenser after work and ate all the Pez and stood C3PO on the desk in front of the computer, but he didn't facilitate any translations for me.

-I had some pizza.

-I went to a tiny party with a few of Meredith's friends from work. The gansta rap music being played did not fit the scene of various middle class, middle aged white folk chatting about pet adoption and payroll shenannigans. Other than that, the atmosphere was friendly. Was a little left out because I knew noone there besides Meredith. (Also all the pretty womens there were unflirtatable.)

-I sat next to a big clay pot with a fire in it. Waaarm.

-I called mom and megarandom and tried to text message superluser, but she didn't have a text message serivce capable device.

-I listend to an incredible amount of fireworks going off. Not used to being in a state where they are legal. It seemed like every part of Cola was covered in a gunpowder smoke haze. It looked like fog had settled in on the city.

-I texted capnkjb at midnight to say I'd beaten her to the New Year.

-I went home after having a couple of tasty bites from the snacks on the table at the party and a small piece of chocolate.

-I thought about getting smashed, but once I was home, I dicided not to make that effort and instead played a game for a little while.

-I crashed into bed, dead tired.

-I dreampt I was following a bumpkin cop around somewhere in the state of Georgia. He was on a reality show about ghosts and haunting sites, and he was leading the camera crew around to show this segment's creepy site. I was following over his shoulder like I was there (just viewing, not really in the dream), and the camera & crew were behind us all the while and therefore unseen. Apparently there was no host to conduct the interview, so the cop was just rambling on with his southern cop drawl by himself. The cop was a highway patrolman in a khaki uniform and one of those wide-flat-brimmed pointy-top cop hats. He was telling his story about this car service gas station in the middle of east Bumblefuck, across a two lane highway in the midst of empty farmland. It seems the repair yard of the station, which was full of wrecks so old and untouched they were all rusty heaps, had a rather large number of deep pits covered only barely (more like barred, or supported open) with thick metal poles almost a foot apart, instead of a proper grating or something. In that casual I'm-a-southern-cop-gonna-stick-my-nose-in-your-business way, he pulled over and tried to find someone on the premises to let 'em know county reg'lations forbid such safety hazards on business grounds, but he couldn't find anyone in the place, though it appeared to be recently occupied. Upon investigating in the yard, he found a red-clay-dust-covered door in the ground, back of the yard, and pulled it up and went in. Underneath the yard was a dusty cave almost 20 feet down. Because it was dug in clay, there had be lots of small cave-ins, creating the pits to the surface that had been propped open. Towards the back of the cave, which was about 10 feet tall and wide, a chamber opened up to where the most recent digging had been worked. In piles against the farthest wall, amongst the clay rubble and sticking out of the wall, were bones. Dozens of them. Bones that would've been human, if they weren't... not right. They were twisted, warped, stretched and mashed together or pulled apart, as if they'd been subjected to incredible heat and had softened like taffy. Some of them were really strange, like this here rib cage, looked like there was too many ribs, and they stuck out funny like one o' them siamese twins or a deformed guy with a messed-up younger brother stickin' outta his side. The bones was in dim light, from the ambience of the sunlight shining through the pit openin's. Looked like someone had been trying t' find these bones, the cop said, cuz of the way the cave started in the back of the yard and wandered out towards the road until it came here. But the scary part was that when he first found the bones, he couldn't help but think of the Good Book, the chapter of Revelations and the sinners cast into Hell where flames would consume them for eternity. He said it was real quiet like, but for the wind and some crows, and he thought he heard the voices of the Damned down here in the cave. Maybe he could hear them now. He holds up his hand and asks everyone to be quiet for a minute. I hear the wind and the crows, and not much else. We all wait for a bit... silence... Then I'm about to say something and I pause. There's something on the edge of sound that I thought was just cave ambience, but, now that I listen more intently, while I stare at the twisted bones, maybe... What is that noise?... I listen a little closer to the bones...

-capnkjb gets back to me with a text message at a quarter to 7am, waking me up so suddenly that a board drops from under the bed onto the hardwood floor with a loud *BANG*. The cats in the room scatter and I almost crap myself.

-Happy New Year, bitches, but I'm goin' back to bed now. Word. <3

dreams, party, holiday, booze

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