May 01, 2009 01:41

-3001, ye olde Arthur Clark.
Wanted some dry, firm, but not quite hard science fiction. When I'm ready for the cement block style sci-fi read, I have a stack of Stephen Baxter waiting to fill me full of quantum physics swill.

-House of Many Ways, Diana Wynne Jones (of Howl's Moving Castle fame)
Danielle insisted I pick up DWJ's books. They are fun, light reading, and I just started this one, which is the third in a triolgy-that-is-not-a-triolgy.

-Jailbird, Vonnegut
A gift from agentmelo, Vonnegut has always baffled me. He always seems like he should be a small time stand up comedian named Unkie Dunkie, the way his writing passes over me and through me. Still, agentmelo never fails to offer up an interesting idea, so I sat down and read the first page or so. As I fit it into my reading cycle, I'll probably get through the whole thing and possibly rethink my stance on Kurt.
and yes, I tend to read 3 books simultaneously... seems to be my threshold reading quantity, no more, no less.

Still dealin' damage, can ya habeeb it. As a matter of fact, the last night I played, Tim finally managed to beat me twice in a row. He's getting damned good...

-TES4:Oblivion. Still.
It disturbs me how stuck in this game I am. Probably because of all the mods I've dumped in it. This is my 'comfort game', where I play for an hour or so to relax, a custom soundtrack playing on iTunes in the background.

-Fallout 3
But this time on the Xborx360. Wanted some gamerpoints to up my feeble gamin' cred, but mostly I wanted a decent character to jump on the DLC, since Anchorage and Pitt are out, and Broken Steel will arrive next week.

-Pokemon Diamond
Shut up. SHUT UP, GODDAMNIT... fucking poffins. sonovabitch. SHUT UP!!!

-Having a hard time trying to tell if I am doing badly, or if the rumors I'm hearing that my peers are... not nice?... are true... So I just keep working, trying to connect with the vibe I almost got. There's a lot that appears to not be said amongst the managers I work with. I am still quite fond of my work, so I just weather the flak and try to keep moving. Either way, it's a really cool job with sweet perks and full insurance and simple work, and I am sneaking a peek at a few pages of the policy manual when I have a moment. I'm not going to get caught with my pants down if LP decides to come sweat our steez. Wish I was salaried. I wouldn't mind working extra time on this one. Hell I could use it...

-I won't ever finish a NaNoWriMo, to be sure, but I still build on my novel. A little research here and there doesn't hurt, either, like finding out what makes a good or bad writing agent, and what styles and perspectives are popular and accepted.

-Better than usual, I think. Maybe it's Spring, but I feel like there's an upswing coming. Being a driver is nice, though I still don't get to ride at leisure since I don't have a car of my own, and I am still learning stick. Still, if I can borrow Josh's keys, I can pop on out of the house and go wherever the hell I want. It's damned nice, and I can't wait to get standard transmission down so I can do it WHENever I want. Right now my only gripe is that three cats shit an awful lot.

stuff, writing, change, kitties!, living, danielle, work, home, car, games, books

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