(no subject)

Jun 25, 2008 12:50

There is a crusty, crunchy part in my bandages. Mmmm, crispity crunchety clotted blood.

Apartment office called Danielle today. They were all, "We love you! You have only signed a month-to-month lease! Sign in for another year or GTFO in 30 days! Lots of LOOOOVE! MMKAY BYE!" We chose option B: GTFO (net 30).

But this is not bad news. We're about as tired of this apartment, and the people associated with it, as we were of Books-A-Million. The roaches, the five (5) water leaks from other apartments in one month, the endless horrendous screaming children, the garbage in the breezeway, etc, etc, etc... This stuff never happened during the first couple of years we lived here. It is a direct result of a management change. We're ready to move.

So Danielle called her mom to have someone to bitch at about it, and her mom was all, "Hey, I'll co-sign you, get out of there." So we went to Ravenwood, the place where Tim moved to with Brantley. We discovered that the apartments there are not only much cheaper, but also that the entire community is bookish, loves cats, and teaches their kids to be responsible and helpful and generally quiet. We chatted with the property manager and an agent, and they were both not only polite and understanding, but friendly, as in, they stopped trying to sell us an apartment several times to talk about other stuff instead. Also, they have concrete floors and ceilings so they are cooler throughout the year, and sound travels much less from apartment to apartment. Also, there's a creek out back, and the one apartment they have available to us is nearby where Tim and Brantley live. Already having friends as neighbors is nice! We have already filled out applications, and we plan to move at the earliest possible date.

Also, the bank refunded us the money for the fraudulent charge from May. Win!

tim, change, money, living, danielle, woohoo!, home, friends

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