(no subject)

Jun 24, 2008 22:19

Nostalgia, something I haven't indulged in deeply for months, has struck me again. Is 4 years so much time to make so much difference? Probably yes. I went from a randy, recovering single man held back by bad decisions and inconvenient circumstances to a randy, married man desperate for a chance to prove his worth to his economy, his friends, and his wife...

The work option has sprung a tiny sprout in yet another retail store... it seems all that is available around here is just retail. They are calling me tomorrow to discuss things, but if this one doesn't sink, it will be at least very, very close to home, like 10 minutes by bike. Nice.

There was a small problem with me physical self today as well, in that while helping demonicanevil disassemble her bedframe, I managed to gouge a nice 5-inch cut into my leg. Not a scratch, but a full cut IN TO my leg. Mmm, visible subcutaneous fatty tissue. So I spent 6.5 hours at Palmetto Health waiting for someone to wash me out and stitch me up. After 4 hours, they tried to give me X-Rays. For a laceration that was only a half-inch deep. AW HELL NAW. Refused. At any rate, they finally did sew me up and wrap it. I took pictures, but my phone does not seem to want to cooperate with my computer. When I straighten that out, I will post some nice gory photos for you to look at.
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