
Feb 13, 2008 10:47

-Overheard at work, from two customers standing next to the Star Wars Collector's Edition Lightsabers:
Doofus #1: "Guess how much these lightsabers are? $149.95!!"
Doofus #2: "Yeah! And I heard the Darth Vader ones are even $150!!"

-Danielle's been transfered to the new store because it's current manager has pretty much run the thing into the ground as far as keeping it up to speed. After she just spent over a year fighting a moron manager and making her current store into the smoothly-run retailer it is, this is a pretty low blow, setting her basically back to square one without any sort of compensation. The good news is that while 90% of the people in that store are either clueless, unskilled, stupid or insane, none of them seem to be a match for Danielle's unstoppable will, which is powered by a huge truck load of PISSED OFF. Still, the whole situation is a lot of stress for her. I am making a point to help her decompress after she gets home.

-Went ahead and ordered the 8800 GTS graphics card. My inner geek is trippin' just a little bit.

-Bought myself a nice little hardcover journal. It was cheap for it's style, a dark brown with stained and shellacked tiles on front. I used to carry a $.97 fliptop notepad around, but I thought that, when I still had it, it had so much in the way of interesting ideas scribbled in it that it wouldn't hurt to get a nicer one and write a little more neatly...

danielle, work, writing, computer, geek, stupid, living

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