Oct 25, 2006 00:40

The phone cable arrived. What's that mean? Ringtones, sound clips, wallpapers galore... oh, and also... PICTURES!

This is the Danielle. She is enamored to the entirely-too-tiny fork thingy... purely because it is small.

This is the Tim, who is rather drunk at the Red Lobster in this photo, and currently making out with a girl on the living room couch as I type this. What a dogg.

This is the Jay, the Danielle, and the Josh. They are at the Cupcake Party. The excitement is clearly evident on their faces, is it not? Efforts are being made to convince the Jay to move to Columbia where he can better serve his mistress, sitting beside him. Josh already lives here. No moving needed.

This is the Headlights. They are the indie band that played at the Cupcake Party. They were pretty good, though they had their instruments turned up so loud you could not hear them singing. The lead singer/keyboardist was a total hottie. The photo is bad because the lighting is bad. The band played, ate jambalaya, and left.

This is a grocery store. The organic snack chips are particularly in focus. Have some.

This is the backyard at the River House in Savannah. I used to play on that framework, which is an arbor that never grew because my brother and I thought it was a jungle gym. I remember hanging from the top bars and being worried about letting go. Now the top bars are about eight inches over my head when I stand underneath.

This is the Witty, chillin' as usual. The camera-phone does get grainy at times, I admit, but it does take better pictures than the ol' PenCam. Maybe I ought to break down and buy a digital camera for realz.

This is the Kitten, who we named Fina a while back, but continue to refer to as the Kitten. She is being, as usual, the epitomy of adorable kitteness, even though she's not quite a kitten anymore. I don't know who that guy in the background is.

tim, geek, fina, roommate, party, nostalgia, pictures, girlfriend, home, friends

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