(no subject)

Jun 11, 2006 23:16

I probably should've posted this in that Wierd Things meme. A lot of you know my habit of gathering up odd bits of stuff, parts of things, pieces of junk and other such things, in addition to my larger scavenging finds. (Did I mention that the VCR I found on the roadside two months ago works perfectly?) What is wierder than just that habit is how often those bits and pieces I pick up come in handy.

At work, the café receives its cookies in an insulated box full of foam peanuts and also with a couple of (usually warm and soft) gel ice packs. Most of the time, we just throw the whole affair away, but when I discovered the ice packs, I began snatching a stray pack here and there. I'd built up a collection of about 20 in the breakroom freezer.

Now, recently, more than half of the A/C units at work broke. The store is sweltering most of the day and stays warm through the better part of the evening, too. I thought about it a moment this afternoon when things were particularly warm and lethargic, and I went back, grabbed several packs and brought them out front to some of my coworkers. I got odd looks, though a couple immediately grabbed them and put them on their foreheads. It was when I told them, "Put this in the apron pocket and just carry it in there." that I got at lot of smiles. It was a great idea, and I put two large packs in my apron. They didn't gather ice sweat much, and they chilled me enough that I didn't suffer so badly through the day. Even the general manager grabbed one for a little while.

It's a shame I didn't have any Mentos.

work, klepto, ideas

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