I need to lurk more.

Jun 04, 2006 12:46

Ever get that feeling like you just want to observe life around you, to just watch and listen instead of interact? I've been sitting down to write in this journal almost every night this week, and haven't really thought of anything to put in it. Oh, plenty of ideas, stories about work, etc., etc. But no urge to write about it. Maybe it's because life's been rather mundane lately. Worked till 4am last night to prepare for a VP's visit. Scared myself thinking I'd written a check destined to overdraw (it didn't). Ate a tasty chicken sausage. Drank a Dr. Pepper. Finished a book. Took a moment in the bathroom. Breathed in. Breathed out.

I'll probably still sit down and get online as usual, but as in the past few days, I am probably going to just watch and read and observe. Sometimes, it feels better to just be.


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