And So It Begins

May 26, 2016 06:03

It is another glorious day in paradise. The dawn chorus is full of birds sweetly singing “Mine! Mine! Mine!” The golden sun is slanting through the brand new light green oak leaves, just unfurled in the past week. The rhododendron in front of my kitchen window is just about to burst forth in bright purple blossoms. The skies are blue, the early morning temperature is cool and delightful, and it promises to be a warm sunny day. Everything is ready for the invasion of tourists tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the first day of the summer vacation season, something we on Cape Cod take very seriously indeed. Many businesses will make all of their money in the next 16 weeks. Young people from around the world have secured precious H1-B visas to swell the workforce of our shops and restaurants. Not far from me, a new stone oven pizza parlor is racing the clock to open on time. It’s located near the popular rail trail bike path, so we have hopes it will fare better than its fine dining predecessor. People are more casual these days, and a lot of people come here just for the bike paths.

The locals will start grocery shopping at 7 a.m. before the hordes awaken. We start planning our travels to avoid the more heavily trafficked roads and dreaded left turns. Sometimes you just have to hunker down, just like in winter. There will be a few grumpy people complaining. “I’m not on your vacation” reads one bumper sticker.

Well, I am on your vacation. I’m delighted to see the happy faces of families riding the trail. I’m grateful you’re supporting my town by buying thousands of beach permits that give you the privilege to vie for 300 parking spots on our beautiful and highly prized beaches with their broad sand flats stretching out for a mile or more. I’m happy to see you’ve discovered my favorite seafood emporium with its icy trays of local oysters and clams. I’m thrilled you’ve found a coveted campsite in our state park. Have you seen the local independent bookseller’s? Our bakeries? One is conveniently located on the bike path and perilously close to my home. Our golf courses? The Natural History Museum? Our miles of nature trails? Our deep, clear kettle ponds? If it’s raining, check out the Brewster Ladies Library. And that’s just the start. There are fourteen other towns on the Cape, each with its own particular delights.

I love Cape Cod. Places at the margins between land and sea have always been magical. I’m lucky enough to be able to enjoy it all year ‘round. I figure the least I can do is be gracious to people who only get to enjoy it for a week in the summer. Welcome!

cape cod

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