The Chosen One

Jul 23, 2013 18:50

We still have over three years to go before the next Presidential Election, but the race is already over. Seriously. God has already chosen our next president. God himself has anointed the humble son of a Cuban immigrant to be the next Leader of the Free World and save America!.

Ted Cruz, the Tea Party Senator from Texas, was stumping in Iowa over the weekend, and he's got some help from his daddy, Rafael Cruz. Dear ol' dad was telling tales of his son's selection by God to conservative Christian pastors and other Republican right-wing religionists.

The elder Cruz has been an activist in the Religious Right for a long time. Back during the Seventies, he was a member of the Religious Roundtable, a religious coalition that included people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and Phyllis Schlafly. They claim to have been key in getting Ronald Reagan elected.

Rafael Cruz spoke to David Brody on the Christian Broadcasting Network. Brody started the god-talk with "Tell me about your son and his rise. This must be a thing of God. It's meteoric."  Cruz said his son had clearly been chosen early.

When he was four I used to read Bible stories to him all the time. And I would declare and proclaim the word of God over him. And I would just say, ‘You know Ted, you have been gifted above any man that I know and God has destined you for greatness’. And I started making declarations about the Word of God to him every day.

Apparently, Ted Cruz never wavered from his divine mission.

Before he left high school he knew without a shadow of a doubt what his purpose in life was and it was to defend and protect freedom and the Constitution, to fight for free markets and limited government, and it became a passion in his life. So this is not a trajectory of three years, this is a trajectory of 30 years.

Thirty years.  Hmmmm.  Who else entered into his public career after 30 years?

While Dad was burnishing a halo, the younger Cruz was tossing red meat to the Iowa ultra-conservatives. He spoke of shutting down the government unless Obamacare is fully defunded, but admitted "the chances of that today are zero."

Unless, you know, a miracle happens.


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