Just wanted to say you guys are AMAZING! Only 2 days and we've gotten a ton of really great drabbles. Please keep up the good work. The more Bill-ness (Bill-ocity?) the better. The lovely and talented
rhina has joined me as co-mod so hopefully we'll come up with even better challenges and stuff.
If anyone wants to affiliate with this comm or vice versa, just let me know. I'd love to do it - I'm just new to this so let me know what I have to do! Also if anyone is good at artwork (I'm not!) and wants to help us pretty up the place, please please please feel free to do it. Rhina's a graphic goddess so hopefully we'll get a banner soon but if anyone wants to help play with the layout or do actual Bill artwork (or knows of an artist who is willing to let us use his/her stuff), it would be great. (Me, I'm too shy to ask anyone)
Thanks again for all the participation so soon out of the gate. I hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am. :)