Title: Nervous Gesture
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Character or pairing: Bill/Hermione, Hermione's POV
Challenge name: Earring
Author's Note: Cross-posted at
sexiest_weasley Disclaimer:
All HP characters and concepts belong solely to Joanna Rowling, Bloomsbury, Raincoast, Scholastic and Warner Brothers. This community and all participants intend no copyright infringement; the community is made solely for non-profit entertainment and to lavish attention on the sexiest, coolest Weasley of them all.
He toys with it when he’s working on a particularly difficult problem. We all have our nervous gestures, you know, it’s simply that no one’s taken the time to consider that the spectacular Bill Weasley gets nervous, as well.
He looks positively breathtaking like that, his guard down, those long fingers stroking over the well-worn fang, his eyes narrowed in concentration.
So you can see why it’s become a bit of a goal of mine to determine whether or not I can make him start to tug at that earring as though he’s nervous or working out a challenging task.
Title: Burnt Offering
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Character or pairing: Bill, hint of an unnamed female
Challenge name: Fire
His eyes watered as he stepped into the temple, the smoke from the offering acrid. He supposed he should have been grateful it wasn’t a flesh offering, but he’d have been more grateful if the Order hadn’t started sending him to every magicked being in the world, regardless of customs.
Fire flared up in the pile of grain and he stepped back, thinking Charlie would have been more suited to this, the heat, the flame, the general weirdness.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” The voice was a woman’s, and smokier than the temple.
Maybe he didn’t mind this, after all.