[RP Activity] Archive 01

Mar 31, 2010 22:07



Due to the mature nature of amatomnes, most of its material is locked, only viewable by members of the game. I can share screenshots of my own posts, but out of respect for my fellow players, I can't take screenshots of any threads with them. If lucky, I can get consent from the player I'm tagging? (Would anyone ever want to see a thread that badly...)

02/13 POSTAshraf, Baybars, England, Estonia, Haru, Kodachi, Prussia. Egypt wakes up to his first morning on the island of Atia. (+)

02/14 THREADEstonia. He's asking for "help" with his collar over the island's network, which weirds Egypt out.

02/15 THREADTravis Touchdown. Americans can be so silly sometimes...
THREADSpain. Welcome to Atia?


Archives: 01

Egypt's To Do List:
- Buy a weapon for security purposes.
- Buy more furnishings for the second floor of the shop.
- Caboose's debt. e_e
- Mend relations between Haru and Iceland. Negotiations?
- Start saving money for island escape / possible declaration of war.
- Relearn old Egyptian from Bartimaeus? Fffff.
- Help Turkey find a place to live. Job, too?
- Collar: before end of April 22

HORRIBLY OUTDATED. Now I have to catch up... some day...

☼ Network Posts

☼ Logs

Apr 01: Wake-Up Call (Turkey)
Apr 07: Drive You 'til You Feel the Daylight (Turkey) lmfao wtf am I doing /rolls around
Apr 15: Rights and Reservations (Turkey)
Apr 17: Some Space (Turkey & Roxas, sort of)

☼ Threads

Apr 01: "Optimism" (Ellis), Been Better and Worse (England & Prussia), No More Complicated (Havoc)
Apr 03: Uncertainty (Haru)
Apr 04: Nice Hősök tere. (Hungary)
Apr 05: SUDDENLY, VIKINGS. (Denmark)
Apr 09: Occupied No More (Germany)
Apr 12: Connections (Estonia), Paint it Pink (Poland), FFFFFU- (Turkey, Havoc), Part 2 (Havoc)
Apr 15: Makeshift UN (England & Turkey), Family (Prussia), A Song for You (Spain)
Apr 16: Working Hard (France & Spain)
Apr 19: Football! (Spain), Football :( (England)

☼ Dressing Rooms & Etc.

Apr 17: Kissing Booth → Taiwan, IT'S ME, kid!Greece
Apr 01: Wrong Number (England), Where'd you go? (America), Not Egypt; it's a personal reference. (Anastasia), And another one. (Harry)


January - March, 2010

☼ Network Posts

Mar 17: Pretty Scary Sometimes (+)
Mar 08: Grand Opening (+)
Feb 28: Yearning (+)
Feb 24: Talks and Treaties (+)
Feb 19: Not THAT kind of help! (+)
Feb 18: Trying to Adjust (+)
Feb 13: Good morning, Amat! (+)

☼ Logs

Mar 21: Evasion (Spain)
Mar 11: Not in my shop. e_e (Haru, Spain)
Feb 28: Chance Encounter (Spain)
Feb 24: Necessity (Havoc)
Feb 19: Business Negotiations (Haru)

☼ Threads

Mar 31: Can't be Too Disappointed (Bartimaeus)
Mar 30: JUST WANTED TO BORROW SOME SOAP. (England), "Ahlan wa sahlan" my ass! (Turkey)
Mar 29: How lonely you seem to be. (Bartimaeus)
Mar 27: Chicks Dig Bands (Prussia), Nations and Motherlands (Akito), Confide (Havoc)
Mar 26: The forest will eat you. (Argilla), In Trouble (England), Maahi Ve (Asok)
Mar 23: Lucky? (Poland), Enlightenment (Haru), My word is my bond. (Iceland)
Mar 22: Would Rather Kill (Artemis), A Misadventure (Ellis)
Mar 15: Reaching Out (Russia)
Mar 12: Another Lost (Havoc)
Mar 11: Unbecoming (Spain)
Mar 07: TOO MANY THREADS TODAY (Russia), WTB Maple Syrup (Canada), Not So Silent (Sweden), ITT Haircurls (Romano)
Mar 06: Rooftop Chat (Ashraf)
Mar 05: Minor Setback (Haru)
Mar 04: Needs More Tact (Spain), Needs Less Fail (Ellis)
Mar 03: Marhaba (Altair)
Mar 02: (Spain)
Feb 24: Deal With It (Havoc)
Feb 23: Don't cry. (Suou)
Feb 22: Recruiting (Spain), Your plan sucks. (America)
Feb 19: Why is it sparkly? (Poland), Job Offers (Spain)
Feb 18: Too Open (Lithuania), Melancholic Welcome (Hungary)
Feb 17: But it looks like a towel. (Caboose), Easily Distracted (RED Scout)
Feb 16: Cause for Concern (Akito), Fails at Explaining (Asok)
Feb 15: Silly Americans (Travis), Jejeje (Spain)
Feb 14: Network Norms (Estonia)

☼ Dressing Rooms & Etc.

I can't find some of my old stuff from January.

Mar 25: An Exercise in Depravity (Greece)
Mar 22: Weak Against Children (kid!Greece)
Mar 18: Bittersweet (Greece, Turkey)
Mar 16: Brother? (kid!Egypt)
Mar 06: Controversy (Greece)
Mar 01: Party at Atia's!, Fuck Yeah Earthbending (Haru)
Feb 21: Mun's a Slave Driver
Feb 20: Time Paradox (kid!Egypt)
Feb 19: In Celebration, Afterglow (Greece)
Feb 17: A Break From Atia (Egypt)
Feb 14: Kitty Keffiyeh (Greece)
Feb 13: A Day at the Market
Feb 12: Yaaay Olympics (Sudan)
Feb 06: Restraint (Greece)
Feb 04: Fail Tea
Feb 01: Sup Neighbor (Sudan)
Jan 31: I fail at test driving. (Greece)
Jan 28: On Threat of Separation
Jan 27: ONE WITH EGYPT (Belarus)
Jan 25: Ffff Baby Steps

* activity, ! amat, ! other, # ooc

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