Nov 30, 2007 13:14
megan wants me to update, so i guess i will..
this past week, i was hired by schlumberger as a seismic data processing engineer, which basically means i will be taking seismic data (from sonar) and turning it into usable 3d images, which we will then sell to oil companies so they know where to drill for oil. i start on the 28th of january, and the job sounds interesting which is a plus..
i am also almost done with school. WHOOP!! all i have left is 7 hrs of grading, 5 hrs of honors mentoring, one 5-page paper, and two final exams (one of which is open book open note..)..
I was also asked by the college of science to be the gonfalonier for my graduation, meaning i will get to carry the flag around before the ceremony.
finally, megan and i only have 35 days until our wedding, and everything is starting to come together. (but it is definitely still stressful..) but yeah, knowing that both of us will have jobs after we get married has helped alleviate some of the stress..
well.. i think that is a reasonable enough update.. i hope everyone has a great day.. ttyl. God bless!
p.s. consummatum est.