So the recent events in the past two weeks of my life have gotten me pretty down. This isn't even taking into account the fact that I'm scared as hell about growing up. I know that I'm not that old, but putting things into perspective I have a year left of school and then what? Life. My dad told me that I need direction so I have tried to look at grad schools and what not, but I'm just not sure what I want to do.
Between being constantly let down by people, school, fraternity issues (which have been resolved) and the passing of Trent I really don't know what to do. I'm in such a funk and I'm tired all the time, not to mention that I'm sick and it's Mardi Gras weekend and my Birthday. Boo.
The memorial for Trent was today. It was an amazing experience. He was smiling down on us. President Father Wildes said something that I thought was very profound. He said, in reference to his friend John who has passed when he was at Georgetown, "John was a gift to me. I didn't pay for him, I didn't ask for him, I didn't want him, and I didn't earn him. But he was mine." I think that many times I forget how many gifts I have been given. In moments like these it's easy to see what the big problems are in life. My dad likes to ask me what my biggest problem of the week is and usually tell him something dumb like "my nails are too long" or "I don't have tivo". Of course I don't really believe that these are my biggest problems, but I know I do "fixate" on "problems" that are not that "big" of a deal. I need to take a step back and look at things closely and figure some things out. This is a lot easier said than done, but I will try my hardest.
When I was younger I used to go to this place call JOYLAND. From the name I'm guessing that you can tell that it was an amusement park. It wasn't that large and lacked any resemblance to Six Flags, but it was what we had. It was a lot of fun to spend all day there over the summer. My parents would take my friends and I there and buy us these wristbands that allowed you to get on all of the rides. There was the "house of horrors" which wasn't very scary. But I do remember when kissing became really really cool everyone would want to ride that ride because it was basically dark for 90% of the time with "scary" sounds. There was the titl-a-whil and of course the ferris wheel. My favorite ride was the ZIPPER. It was this fantastical ride where you would enter a cage with three other people. Sit down and get strapped in. There was a seatbelt, arm harnesses and a thing to put your head it. At first the ride would be slow and you would just sit there waiting for the real excitement to happen. Then it would speed up and the cage would start twisting and your body would be tossed around. There'd be a point where all of it seemed almost unbearable, but then it would slow down again. After regaining mobility and the ability to process feeling in your brain the ride would start again. It would go twice and then the ride was over. It was my favorite ride. I think that my life is a lot like riding the zipper. I'm ready for the ride to slow down again.