May 01, 2005 22:46
should be doing something but hey it's Sunday----> Last week of class. SHIT!!!! So much to do. Looking for Summer Jobs and dreaming of a job that pays well. Can you believe with an associates degree I qualify for some jobs that pay more than $9 more than $16 Awesome...maybe I'll be able to actually get somethings paid off. I'd love it. But hey not getting my hopes up for anything. Still got to get a damn job. Can't wait to be able to fill out an Application that says I have a BS degree. (lol. I'll have a BS in a few yrs-- have an AA, still puts a smile on my face as I laugh...nice huh?) soon.. soon. Wondering how everyone else is. wondering what is going to happen this summer. good or bad it will be better than the last few months. I'll be out of the Beach house and back into the real world....Bring it on...I can take it. 'YAY!' *it's my WAR-Cry!
Steady meditation...I don't suck.... I fucking Rock.....I can do this, I'm better than what I've been doing. This can't break me this time or any other. I will fucking prevail over these crappy lectures and the idiotic tests that unfortuantly have very little relevance to what the instruction has been. There is something better out there than this. I've seen it, I've felt it. I'll find it again. Just be patient and get through this. Concentrate on what's important...Study hard. Work harder. I can make it. Look out for traps, and speed bumps....there are many I have been invovled in..but I've been through these situations before. I can deal with it. So suck it up fat boy get a move on it. The degree is waiting for you only four more semesters. Seems long but not that bad. I've been through so many already this is a walk in the park. Life is diffcult. Not this. Not that much longer. Just a little bit more...Focus