Apr 21, 2005 00:26
Just thinking that Life and love is like a lottery ticket bought at the gas station. At first you're doubtful and joking around that "yeah I'm going to win the big one" Later that day you lay it down on the counter not really expecting it to pay off. But man when those numbers start appearing on the screen, You are so right there looking at your ticket attempting to match it with the winning number(s). pick five, maybe i'll get four right...maybe two...one? Crap!. Then You find out it's not you, you didn't win, Only the lucky ones' ever win. Not you-- You think 'Who truely wins anyway'. Angry, sometimes depressed because you got your hopes up; sometimes you might feel as though the lottery let down. You feel as though, you shouldn't have even bought that stupid good for nothing ticket. You think it was a waste of money (time). But then sometimes when you feel lucky again or you have some spare change (time) you take a chance, you buy another ticket. After all it's just a game, and what can you lose? It's not like it's marked with an 'x' and the town will throw stones at you....right?
Just thoughts...Think what you will.