Jan 20, 2005 17:20
Well, I am trying to kep up with homework....lol...on only the second night of homework I was up til almost 2...arrggghhh...of course you should all know by now, most of that time was spent on Latin....yha....big fun!!! Oh, well...when I get home from work tonight I have a little bit of Latin to do, and maybe a bit more reading in Classic Bib lit, but that's it....
yha, so in crit theory class...ummm...we are discussing hagel philosophy which is not much younger then descartes philosophy...and my prof. professes that he is not a philosopher and thus has limited education in the subject (basically enuff to be able to teach the class, but not thoroughly explain it!). This is all fine indeed except for the fact that out of like 30 students 5 of us are not philosophy majors!!!! Yha, so the philo majors were so very much trying to get the prof to understand their philosophy and in the interim us 5 english and/or classics majors were like....HUH? WHAT?...and can someone please tell me what this all has to do with literature??? Cuz yha know what...this is a lit class!!!!!! HHHHMMMMMMMMMMM!!! May the lord please keep me from failing this class!!!!
Myth discussion class was good. As I expected the only xtra work we in the honors class have to do is a 5-7 page paper which is due after midterm I think. So all is good there....the worst part....$91 for just 2 of the 4 required books.....even worse..the final exam is at 730 in the freaking morning!!! I have to get up at 5:30 to leave at 6:20 to get to the freaking exam on time!!!! Ya...I should do great....especially considering my Latin exam is right afterward that day!!!!! At least I have a whole semester to fret about it.....lol
Well, thats about it for me. I am all alone in the office now...BIG FUN!! Another 15 minutes and I am soooo outta here!! I have all the work I can do today done anyway, so no biggie. I can't wait to go home..I'm gonna eat...rip my hair out while doing Latin, study for the latin vocab quiz, and then SSSLLLLEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!
adios for now!
Luv, Momma