07:01 two crazy ass dreams last night. one had me killing gangbangers in my folks' house with my bare hands. disturbing
# 07:14 Sarah Palin is all over the place. Gah. #shutthefuckupalready
# 07:21 AJ woke up this morning and went straight to reading a book he got from the library last night. Amazing
# 12:27 been butchering deer all morning. hands are cramping up something fierce
# 15:55 AJ lost his glasses again. Grrrrr.
# 16:26 while i loathe sarah palin's exposure, I loathe any cross promotion involving any real housewife from anywhere on Bravo. #lame
# 18:27 my hands reek of a combination of raw deer meat and clorox bleach. #Iamsexy
# 18:46 I was just jamming out "All Right Now" on the guitar, now Conn is air guitaring with a bball bat and singing "all night long..." awesome FTB
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