Jul 14, 2008 13:18

First of all, happy birthday sugareey !

Since I have new friends on my flist and my Due South vid post yesterday produced a bit of curiosity on a couple of people, I'd like to once again pimp my other beloved fandom, Due South.

First, a teaser:

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due south

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Comments 12

rawkin_ur_sox July 14 2008, 22:03:57 UTC
I JUST NOTICED SOMETHING. Isn't Ray Kowalski (and I'm not really sure if I have his name right since I'm not in the fandom, lol) the same guy who played the dude who helped those siblings find their brother in Wendigo?! He was like a smart-ass ranger who thought Sam and Dean were crazy, or something.

I could be wrong but he looks JUST like him. :O


bigmamag July 14 2008, 22:14:12 UTC
Lmao, you are 100% correct. I was just as shocked as you were when I looked on his IMDb and saw that. And I even had to go back and look to make sure. His accent was different and he's older, but I was like, asshole ranger is cool Ray!


mijmeraar July 15 2008, 00:39:41 UTC
DUE SOUUUUUUTH. I just - pardon my french - but I just fucking love this show. So, so much. I agree 100% on 'Original Recipe Ray'. I didn't see the slash between he and Fraser but it didn't take away the strength of the partnership, or the show. LOVE.

I was watching CKR clips on youtube - kissing a dude! - and his accent is so ... not right, haha. I love that OTT Chicago slur.

It's a show that's finished, so you don't have to keep up with it and can watch it at your own pace.

That's me. ::HIDES:: I've still got a HEAP of episodes to watch, which, YAYEEE. I'm going to email you and tell you I want some motherfucking episodes, if that's cool with you ;)

Thanks for this post, you made my day.


bigmamag July 15 2008, 00:55:46 UTC
zomg, have you gotten to Call of the Wild? I was pimping this show before I even finished all of it as well, and watching those two episodes sealed the motherfucking deal. \o/

And yeah, e-mail me all you want, make me your episode bitch!


mijmeraar July 15 2008, 09:30:48 UTC
Loll, yeah, I've seen CoTW. I'm pretty sure it was one of the first Fraser&RayK eps I watched. I'm backward like that.



twasadark July 15 2008, 01:16:13 UTC
Oh good GOD, woman!! This looks INCREDIBLE!! That clip is pure YUM.

I must admit that my initial interest in DS has to do with the fact that there are a billion podfics out there for it and I am TOTALLY and COMPLETELY in love with podfics. :-)

I am so going to watch the pilot as soon as I can!


bigmamag July 15 2008, 11:19:35 UTC
You are definitely the podfic queen, so that makes sense. ;) I can't listen to DS podfics because (*whispers*) my favorites stories are read by complete tools who cannot give characters inflection and sound like robots. Imagine a robot sex scene. Yeah.

God speed! ♥


jillybean_6939 July 15 2008, 09:19:02 UTC
Yay!! Pimp post! Thanks for doing this hon!!

Strange thing is, my sister used to watch this show when I was really young and I remembered it just now, when I got to the part about the deaf wolf *animal lover through and through*!

I'm so excited now!! *runs to dl*


bigmamag July 15 2008, 11:21:04 UTC
:D Dief (wolf) rocks my socks! And your welcome, I feel like I'm an evangelist or something. "Do you know the saving power of homoerotic subtext?"


deductress July 30 2008, 13:52:14 UTC
Well, i have read your little promo (XD) and have decided i am dead curious now.

And you know what i discovered the other day?
Was looking through my Mum's old video collection, when i came upon... "Due South: The Pilot Episode".

I think i may have to give it a watch when i next have time. =D


bigmamag July 30 2008, 17:54:59 UTC
\o/ See? It was meant for you to watch it. It's fated. If anything, it's a really funny and cute show, so even if you don't get hooked, it's still pretty awesome. Of course, reading copious amounts of fanfic never hurts either. :)


deductress July 31 2008, 13:16:22 UTC
Well i'm free all day tomorrow, so i shall plonk maself down and gie it a watch! =D


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