It's always a good day when you can make a classical reference

Jan 27, 2012 11:27

I did a small friends cut, most probably won't notice. I just sort of removed people I never talk to or have no similar interests anymore.

I sort of wish I could be more into Sherlock fandom because it seems like EVERYONE is going apeshit and I'm over here in my corner, eating some Tapioca pudding, nodding slightly and saying, "yeah, I feel that." Don't get me wrong: I LOVED the second series and I reblog awesome posts on tumblr, but I'm not reading fics or watching vids.

Is anyone else watching the Nostalgia Critic's Star Trek month? I was super excited when I first heard he was doing something Star Trek, but so far I haven't been impressed. He's just reviewing the bad ones and he has barely anything new to say. I bet I'll like the reviews better when it goes into TNG era since I haven't seen those movies and know little about TNG. Also come on, he has not made one K/S related joke. How can you watch these movies and not include at least one lame throwaway joke? I mean, do people really look at this

and see nothing of note? He didn't even show the scene, and it's easily the best part of the first movie (some would say the only good part.) And that's bullshit because of the three Star Trek movies Rifftrax has done, there are several hilarious slashy jokes. I swear, if you never saw Star Trek and watched these reviews first, you'd barely know Kirk and Spock were that close and that's a friggen crime. It's like me reviewing The Illiad and making it seem like Achilles was mildly acquainted with Patroclus. It's annoying and quite an understatement.

slash, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, space husbands, the nostalgia critic, rant, friends cut, the game is on, channel surfing

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