Let's talk about slash :D

Apr 14, 2011 21:05

I've been thinking about doing a list of my favorite slash scenes from any fandom I've even dabbled in because dear lord have I seen amazingly gay things that have tried to pass as straight. I think it's fun sharing those with people, especially since my entire flist is made of slashers (kind of has to be, because I don't know what I'd do with a purely het shipper. Stare at them and drum my fingers on my desk, trying to come up with some kind of fannish conversation?)

Some of the things I'll be including are of course from my major fandoms (and fml, how I'm supposed to choose just one scene from the whole of Star Trek is going to tear me apart. I just want to shout THE WHOLE DAMN THING. ALL OF IT. GAYEST GAY TO EVER GAY) but then I've seen parts from other shows I've either watched only a bit of or have never watched a lot of it. Take, for example, my love of Peter/Sylar when I've watched two seasons plus the last two episodes of S4, simply because of how damn homoerotic they are. I didn't even ship it until I gave in and watched those episodes. And, even if it technically doesn't count because it is text and not subtext, I adore the Jack/Jack scene from that Torchwood episode where they dance and kiss. I'd watch more because I'm intrigued by Jack/Ianto, but I'm sort of not wanting to go into a show knowing that one of the main characters will die, plus I barely like Doctor Who, so yeah.

Then I started thinking, hell, why not ask you all what are the gayest things you've ever seen? It would help if you happen to have a youtube clip of the scene or give me some kind of background on it if I'm not in the fandom, but come on, share some slash with me. Hell, maybe it'll be my next favorite scene or you can remind me of something I've forgotten.

slash, fandom, i love gay men, lend me your rears

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