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rae1013 March 2 2011, 17:31:08 UTC
First things first, why the hell haven't I friended you yet?! I'm rectifying this right now. Hope you don't mind.

Secondly, there is really too much awesome in this post for me to really wrap my head around yet, but let's focus on the footnote.

Yeah, Gene needn't have mentioned lover and that does feel like a shout out to the slashers but even more telling to me is Kirk's response to that. Why go to the trouble of stating that there were rumors floating around that K/S were lovers? Why? It was never a plot device for TOS, if he were trying to downplay the EPIC LOVE to just a bromance then why imply that outsiders assumed they were romantically involved? That doesn't aid the non-slash cause at all.

And then to include Jim's lack of distaste at the implication and also the fact that he doesn't actually deny it! And that Spock was aware of the rumor and just quirked a brow and went on his merry way? What? As emotionally confused as Spock is in the movie and novel shouldn't the mere suggestion of them being lovers have been at least a little upsetting for Spock? This just seems bigger to me then even T'hy'la. It's like we're not seeing something that we should be seeing.

That footnote feels like the answer we're not given and we just have to figure it out.


bigmamag March 2 2011, 17:58:35 UTC
I've seen you around too, and yeah, no clue why we're not friends. I KEEP MISSING GOOD PEOPLE, IDGI.

Anywho, so agreed on the footnote. I didn't talk about it much because the line-by-line analysis sort of cinches it for me, but yes, if I were the writer of a popular franchise and a whole bunch of people kept shipping a pairing I hated or totally disagreed with, I'd either ignore it or actively put in things to dissuade them.

And I like that, giving an answer we have to figure out. I figure a vague answer is better than a negative one, but for all the reasons listed, yeah, it would be less logical for that thing to be denouncing Kirk/Spock than upholding it.


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