Glee talk

Feb 22, 2011 22:41

idk, idk )

episode reaction, glee

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ilmatarlady February 23 2011, 10:14:07 UTC
I know it's been a while since I was in high school and I'm on a different continent and all but this episode would not have convinced any of my drink-friendly schoolmates stop drinking. And we have had a kid in my school jump off a building because he had a drunken argument with one of his friends that he wouldn't die if he fell from the third floor. He didn't; but he was left with metal plates in both his legs. I guess his classmates did take it easy for a while but it wasn't long before kids got stupid drunk again. It's what teenagers will do, especially since drinking is something they're specifically forbidden to do. IDK, I think it could have been handled differently; they could have shown that alcohol is more dangerous than getting sick after performing perfectly with no previous rehearsal.

Regarding the bisexuality, I thought Brittany and Santana are the show's implied bisexuals? Yes, it needs to be emphasized that bisexuality exists - and not just for girls, in which case it always seems to magically be okay. It didn't bother me as much that Blaine wasn't bi; some people just aren't. It was great that he questioned his sexuality though; it takes courage and openness to do so. IDK, I don't see why so many people got angry about it. *shrugs*

And Burt seems to always be trying to be there for Kurt and to understand him. He watched Brokeback Mountain, which, superficial as it may be, shows that he wants to understand. Kurt is one lucky guy; so many gay teens don't have the luxury of a parent that still loves and supports them after they've come out. He should learn to appreciate his dad more and help Burt help him. It's not only hard on Kurt and I think they need to work together.
Also, Sue. D: Not ~cute~ anymore.


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