Glee talk

Feb 22, 2011 22:41

Talk about a weird episode for me. On the one hand, seeing the Glee kids partying was fun and there were a lot of silly moments and good songs, but the plot was sort of stupid and I don't think the kids really learned anything besides puking is gross so don't drink at school. I mean, there are so many kids watching this show and this is the best message they get across? Drinking can make you embarrass yourself at an assembly and you get free yogurt coupons? Just today people were talking to me about car accidents because of my last post about my cousin, and even if there was no drinking involved with him, many of the stories people have told me online and irl did feature a drunk driver.It was sloppily handled and the message to not drink too much only really hit home for Will who doesn't even get drunk all that much.

I think the Blaine storyline was really weak. So there's no such thing as bisexuality, huh Glee? I suppose I can't really judge since the only characters we've got who are gay are Kurt, Blaine, and Karofsky, but I was watching with my sister and it just seemed to confirms the idea in her head that no one is bisexual, which I had to explain was bullshit and I don't know whether or not she believes me. :/ Loved seeing Burt again, and I'm not overly upset at him and the Blaine sleeping over thing. I mean, let's face it, it really is the same if Finn invited a girl over and let her sleep in his bed, but Kurt is right in that Burt will need to get used to the fact that being gay means having sex and that the issue will come up. I feel too sorry for Burt to be too hard on him, though, because the poor guy loves his son to death but just doesn't understand gay men in general.

And the next episode looks boring and I think the show is sliding back into dull territory. Come on, Glee, give us another superbowl episode, that one was done right and reminded me that this show can be amazing when it wants to be. I'm really interested in Dave Karofsky, I have this need for him to have a happy ending and to apologize to Kurt so he can come back to McKinley. Blaine can still hang around, come on! Hell, let's go crazy and have Blaine go to McKinley. Now THAT I would love to see. 

episode reaction, glee

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