New (old) fandom?

Dec 27, 2010 13:39

So I've been watching The Sentinel, even though a long while back I watched part of the first episode and decided I wouldn't like it. Turns out, I must have been in a bad mood or didn't watch enough, because I'm five episodes in and I'm enjoying it a lot. If you have no idea what this show is, just know that it's a 90's cop show that's reportedly ( Read more... )

slash, fandom, police husbands, space husbands, due south

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sineala December 28 2010, 00:16:16 UTC
You're gonna watch it all first? Uh, okay. Good luck and remember that you can pretty much fastforward all the chase scenes. (I would say you really only need to watch, um, the ones with Blair's mother, the one with Jim's family ("Remembrance?" I think? No, wait, there was one with his brother too), the one with Incacha, some of the angst about Blair's dissertation plotline, Sentinel Too (both parts), The Sentinel By Blair Sandburg, and you've got about everything fandom will ever mention in a story. That I can remember, anyway.

Oh, and the one where they move in together, but you've probably seen it. You will also probably want to observe the only canonical use of the word "guide" in the episode Rogue (which is S1 so you should be coming upon it soon if you haven't yet). I say you will want to observe it because it has taken on a fanon definition that is way, way beyond that. Seriously. The number of dystopian AUs where Sentinels and Guides must bond is... high.

(Also I'm assuming you're, um, ahemming the series, as only the first season was released on DVD, AFAIK.)

As for recs, basically just read everyone you liked in dS. Francesca, Resonant, Laura JV... or you could just inhale most of the 852 Prospect archive, like I did once upon a time.


bigmamag December 28 2010, 00:48:41 UTC
Yep, I watch everything when I'm even halfway convinced that I'll be interested in the show or fandom. I actually do like action scenes, and I'm doing my crocheting (that I've put off for weeks) while watching, so most of the time I'm only half paying attention anyway so it never really gets boring. Yay multitasking!

Yep, I'm being a pirate, I have no shame. I don't know, I'm much looser about tv shows because really most of them air free and I'm honest when I say that I never watch commercials, bless DVR. I do get dvds sometimes, mostly whenever I'm gifted with them or if I am totally in love with a show.

And ooh, I've never heard of the archive, and now I know where my future time will be wasted well-spent.


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