Porn, juries, and The Doctor (this sounds like the beginning of an interesting fanfic)

Dec 15, 2010 13:14

Oh goody, received my first jury summons ever today. Great way to start the new year.

I'm looking forward to the ontd_startrek party post on Saturday. I won't be there for the beginning, but hopefully it'll be amazing and everyone will actually show up.

I have decided that Doctor Who is just 'okay', so I won't be getting into fandom or watching much more of it. I suppose I'll just be shunned. :) It's not bad, nor is it something I find amazing. It's just okay and once in a while it has a bit of brilliance. I've watched a lot of the ones recommended to me, and I find myself doing other things or trying very hard to pay attention more than I find myself being engrossed.

I really want to write more of Spock's Vagina (if you don't know what that's all about, just enjoy the title because it's not important) but I keep freezing up at sex scenes. The thing is, I don't know if my porn it hot or not. See, no one ever really comments on it, which makes sense because I don't write pwps and so there is usually a hell of a lot more going on than just sex. But see, this is partial genderswap! The entire point is sex, and I really don't know if I fail at porn or if I'm capable. Does anyone have an opinion on my porn? Hell, you can comment anonymously and say it's not good or needs improvement, I won't be sad. Seriously, I won't be sad because not everyone can write smut and I have done fine writing stories in which there is no sex and they get together at the end. Some of my favorite authors never write smut and they are fantastic.

fml, fandom, writing, writer's block, pron, lend me your rears, rl

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