I just feel like chatting, how about you guys?

Dec 12, 2010 08:46

Because I'm not above saying that I could use a few kinds words:

Holiday Love Meme
My Thread
My parents went out of town for the weekend out of the blue, in case I didn't mention it before, and damn is it nice being alone. I could totally work with this.

I had a longer rl post, but I think I've whined enough lately and I'm really in a good mood this morning, so let's just talk and share random stuff, things like what you're doing at the moment, porn, songs you're listening to, gifs/macros that have made you laugh today, favorite ice cream flavor, porn, your tumblr (in case you don't know I have one), porn, and just anything you want, really. I feel sociable and since that's a rare thing, let's ramble together.

-I made my new default icon all by myself!

-My favorite song at the moment is "Waiting for the End" by Linkin Park. Here's the amazing official vid, but here's a spn one that actually makes me believe that episode 6.1 wasn't that bad, lol. I would kill for a Star Trek vid to this song.

-Fic recs! Once Upon a Time by littlebirdtold, aka the one K/S author who writes everything I could ever want and has yet to write a fic I don't love. This one is no exception and it's nice, long, and full of angst and happiness. Unmade, Peter/Sylar. Yes I know, Heroes fic when I haven't watched since season 2, but this one was written a while back and it's AMAZING. This is about the only Peter/Sylar fic I believe could be true and it has this amazing, dark atmosphere. I totally recommend it, even if you've only see a little bit of the show.

-I'm crocheting my nephew this hat in gray and I randomly made this doll dress (the second picture there) for a naked doll of hers.

-I love cracked.com, and right now this article on 6 animals that just don't give a fuck is making me laugh so hard.

-lamamama truly makes the world a better place. Kindly take her into your hearts. :P

-I am going to make a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. Which is a grilled cheese sandwich with a thin slice of ham. YOU ARE NOW JEALOUS.

-My sister had food poisoning yesterday and we ate the exact same stuff all day while we were out shopping with Dad and the kids. Perhaps I have a tummy of steel. Or maybe she got a bad steak finger at Dairy Queen (speaking of which, had not had a dipped cone in a long time, and damn is it still fucking delectable.

-I find Fraser in a dress interesting, but I find him wearing lipstick and earrings with his uniform mind blowing. If only this episode had been in seasons three or four. Oh yeah, you know it couldn't have been done because there would have been sex. GAY SEX and lipstick on the collar.

ftw, dork, idek, random, lend me your rears, art, flist love, music, everything went better than expected, sister gets her own tag, the world according to bigmamag, meme, i love gay men, tumblr, rl, yummy in my tummy, due south, family, slash, police husbands, crochet, shaking and crying, photoshopping whore, holidays

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