I have no glee icon :(

May 25, 2010 22:27

Glee was so good, I had to post about it. :D

All right, so, awesome episode, except for the parts w/Rachel. God, I used to be okay with her character, but lately she's been getting the most stupidest plot lines. And her and her mom ruined Poker Face. That was the worst rendition I ever heard in my life.

But the day was saved by Kurt, of course! Oh man, the issues in this episode were so deep, and how Kurt's dad defended him? How in the hell does that man get more and more awesome as each week progresses? I wish my dad was even a fraction as awesome as he is. :O But I did feel sorry for Finn, because I can tell that he's not that kind of guy and he was reacting to the bullying and all that like any "regular" teenage guy would. The. End. RED VINYL DRESS. My sister and I couldn't stop laughing, because we couldn't tell which was more ridiculous, the shower curtain ensemble or Kurt's Mozart-inspired sequined heel number. Of course, it's all fabulous and the costumes just made everything that much better. I am so happy I ship Kurt/Finn, even though I know it won't go anywhere and by next week we'll have to be eye raped by more Finn pining for Rachel. Man, het is so boring lately in everything I watch. They're not even tempting me with these pairings, and that's a crime.

I have to hand it to the bullies; even though they're stupid and annoying, they're actually both threatening and funny, and you don't know whether to laugh at their jokes or take a sledgehammer to their knees, which is how actual bullies are in reality. I love a good portrayal of your typical homophobic jock assholes. Tina was awesome, and her acting like a real vampire was hilarious.

Next week, Will/Sue? What even is this? :P

episode reaction, glee, i love gay men

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