A thought

May 23, 2010 18:11

Some days, I sit around and fret over what the next Star Trek movie will do to my happy little squee bubble. Will they try to reboot Khan as another fucking Nero? (zzzzzz) Will they screw with the Kirk/Spock dynamic? Will Uhura and Spock's relationship get some explanation or depth? Will I finally get to see the trio in full action? Will McCoy get a fucking spot on the actual movie posters? Will we get to see Kirk rip his shirt or fight a motherfucking Gorn? Will there be strange new worlds and fascinating new concepts that people in the 60's hadn't even thought of?

And then some days I realize that the next movie could be about the crew sitting around playing kazoos, and I'd still think it was epic. STXII: The Kazoo Capers.

image Click to view

(FYI, see? Trekkies are awesome, because I thought my idea was original. NAY, youtube gave me this on a 'star trek kazoo' search.)

thinky thoughts, is it time for stxii yet?, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, lmao

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