SPN reaction and surprise!Smallville

Apr 23, 2010 11:23

A few thoughts on SPN, which are pretty much unpopular all around, but hey, not my fandom anymore, so whatever. :D

5.19 )

nostalgia, that show with the gay alien, spn reaction, recs

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probing_grays April 23 2010, 17:00:06 UTC
I always love hearing your reactions, if only because they tend to be so different from the rest of my flist. (...I have a lot of Gabe mourners on my flist.)

The main reason I did not like this episode was the representation of the other gods. Yeah, I get it. The show blasphemes. Christian angels are dicks. The Christian God doesn't care. (Although I get the feeling that this will change, but whatever. Too early to call.) But what really riles me is how superior Christianity ended up looking. Come on. An Archangel killing off Gods? And not even in any sort of established way. NOTHING in this show dies just from being stabbed or having its neck broken. But suddenly Lucifer comes in and is killing everyone willy-nilly? What the hell? Lucifer isn't even the most powerful figure in the Judeo-Christian religion!

Also, Dean and Gabriel were referring to the Gods "primitive" and "barbarian".

There are other issues with representation that bothered me -- not casting Indians for the Hindu deities, having the Asian deities speaking in Chinese when everyone else was speaking in English because they're just that ~foreign~ or whatever -- but it was definitely not the fact that the gods were dicks that I cared about.


bigmamag April 23 2010, 17:35:33 UTC
You have a point, but I'd probably put that under 'general race and ethnic fail' that American TV/Hollywood is prone to. Plus being not only an American but a Texas American, I'm used to Christianity coming before other religions, so I do admit that it's not my first thought, but being happily agnostic and thinking on your standpoint, I am thinking that way now. I just wish the pagan gods were contenders, you know? Like, at least have whatever god that girl was be able to burn Lucifer a bit. I get that the American audience wants to see the devil as the ultimate powerful force with only god really being above him, but come on. Maybe 'God' isn't the Judeo-Christian one in particular, but
God as the universal one god of a collection of religions. Hell, I'd be happy if he was 'allah' too.


probing_grays April 23 2010, 20:38:19 UTC
Yeah, it's definitely not unique to Supernatural AT ALL. It was just annoying that it got featured there as well.

Yeah! I really wish Kali had been portrayed as more competent when she went after Lucifer. Like, she seemed to know all about how to kill an Archangel -- so why wasn't she better in a fight against one? :\ Disappointing writing.

I think, if the show was going to feature other gods, they should have shown them more as being equal. There was suuuuuch a power imbalance, with Lucifer killing everyone so easily and only another archangel being able to stand up to him, that it really frustrated me.


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