Fanworks Masterpost

Jan 01, 2037 21:27

Right, so I'm scattered everywhere on this lj, so here's a handy list of things I've created that are of note. This is NOT a complete list of everything I've done. I've intentionally left a lot of things out because they were either too old or too minor to list, thus it's a very selective list. Sorted in a roughly chronological order. A good number can be found at my page on AO3.


Eat Your Feelings (Star Trek, K/S)

Spock's Vagina (Star Trek, K/S)

Armchair Psychology (Star Trek, K/S)

The Preserver Masterpost (Star Trek, K/S)

A Perfect Fit (Star Trek, K/S)

Refractions Masterpost (Star Trek, K/S)

    Track C- Somewhere Where They Can Forget
    Track B- Destinies Averted
    Track A- Follow the Leader (wip)

All That Never Changes (HCL, Joe/Billy)

Motivational (or Setting an Example) (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)

I'm Part of All the Things You Are (Star Trek, K/S, S/U)

The Truth Is You (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)

A Proposal of Sorts (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)

Cure for the Flu (Due South, Fraser/Kowalski)

Hangover Remedy (SPN RPS, Jensen/Jared)

Sunny (Afternoon) Delight (SPN, Wincest)

In This Time (SPN, Wincest)

Games of Chance (SPN, Wincest)


* There are a good many I've made that haven't been included because this list would be long. However, they're all on my youtube account if they're not listed here.

Teenage Dream (Star Trek Voyager, Icheb/Q Junior

Lose You (Sherlock BBC, Sherlock/John)

Oh Death/Spark (Star Trek, K/S)

Beautiful Stranger (Star Trek, K/S)

I Love the World (Star Trek, gen)

Map of the Problematique (Star Trek, K/S)

Vermillion (Merlin, Uther/Morgana)

Landslide (Due South, Fraser/Kowalski)

Love Should (SPN, Wincest)

First Date (Harry Potter Sims, Harry/Draco)

You Could Be Happy (Harry Potter Sims, Harry/Draco)

Die for You (SPN, Wincest!lite)

When You Come Back to Me Again (Harry Potter, Harry/Hermione) *download only

I'm Gonna Be (SPN, gen)

I Won't Say I'm in Love (Harry Potter, Harry/Draco)

Chasing Cars (Harry Potter Sims, Harry/Draco)

Iris (Harry Potter, Harry/Ron)

I Want It All (Smallville, Clark/Lex)

Lovefool (Smallville, Clark/Lex)


Untouchable Face (Star Trek, K/S)

The Preserver (Star Trek, K/S)

Can't Let Go (Star Trek RPS, Pinto)

ontd_startrek: the party post mix

Silently (Star Trek, K/S)

Me and You (SPN, Wincest)

I'll Be Yours (SPN, Wincest)


The REAL Trouble with Tribbles (Star Trek, K/S)

Any Other Day (SPN, Wincest)

Four Times Bobby Doesn't Say Anything...and One Time He Does (SPN, Wincest)

writing, podfic, photoshopping whore, fan fic, fanmix, vid post

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