My flist kind of rocks

Mar 09, 2010 21:30

--nataliadarimini  does polymer people. Recently she posted Due South people (squee!!) and also relevant to my interests are Sherlock Holmes, Merlin, Winchesters, and Harry Potter. ♥

--House was awesome last night. And I totally knew House's motivations in regard to that book way before it was revealed. I love how there's a lot more Wilson around lately, and the speed dating cracked my shit up. This episode also proved that there is no need to have Cuddy around except in cameo form. My sister doesn't watch this show and the one episode she watched out of curiosity was that fucking 9 to 5 one. I had to apologize and assure her that this was not what the show as a whole was like. :/


Comment on this post with the phrase "Hey, bubs" or "Beam me up, Scotty!" and I will pick give you five words that somehow remind me of you. You will then make a post on your journal explaining what these words mean to you.

From merrytook92. This can only be hilarious, since I associate the strangest fucking things with people, lol.


I find it hilarious that this was #1 on merrytook92's list, LOL. But it is so true. Somehow in the past several months, K/S has become my ultimate OTP and an obsession. Unlike other pairings I've loved, I've become sort of notorious for it. I've written lots of meta, wrote fic, partied my ass off on ontd_startrek, and I can't seem to stop posting about them all the time. It has GOT to be annoying for the non-trek portion of my flist, and I hope y'all do forgive me, but it's the love of my life and the other loves I've had don't compare, lol. I feel kind of bad for saying this, especially considering that it's really too soon to make grand claims. But I dunno, do you know what it feels like to come across a fandom and know you will be there for years? I know a couple of you that can claim Due South or Supernatural fandoms that way.


I would have thought the girl was high assigning this word if it had been a few months ago, but now I can see why it's a trait. I mean, I completed a goddamn big bang, and I'll probably sign up for the next one. I just completed a fic yesterday and am waiting to post it (btw ship wars peeps, can you post early or does it have to be the same day?) and I've got so many stories and things I want to do. Also, I actually am enjoying what I write, which is most definitely a novel feeling.


Ah Merlin, I made lots of friends when I romped in your fandom freely just over a year ago today. And now, unfortunately, you sucked ass in season two so now I'm just glad that almost all of the friends I made during that time have other fandoms that we party in. :( I've had fandoms bomb or disappoint me before. The seventh Harry Potter book is one, Smallville is another, and SPN came extremely close and is now in the naughty chair. But man, only one season of awesomeness? Season three will have to have a medieval gay pride parade to win me back.

A Very Potter Musical

What made me remember why I FREAKING LOVED HARRY POTTER. How is it that this musical made me like Harry/Ginny and freaking Voldemort/Quirrel?? DOES NOT COMPUTE. There is to be a sequel coming out in the following months, so expect me to once again fangirl like a flailing thing soon. :D


I have such a love/hate relationship with this show, it's not even funny. It's no secret that I hate the fandom. I don't even think I liked it when I was deep in it, and those were the earlier days when the biggest gripe among fen was having Jo around or having to deal with wincest vs. gen wars. And as for the show itself, I was ready to quit at the end of season four; I hated how it was going that much. It got better, but to me it's not nearly as amazing as it was in the first three seasons and there are a lot of things I find wrong with the current season. But it has its bright spots, and now that I'm not involved in the fandom, I can enjoy the show much more without any bitterness.

slash, spn, party hard, space husbands, harry potter, flist love, it's not lupus, recs, writing, meme

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