Fanon and an actual mature request

Mar 02, 2010 14:08

-- I know there are, like, a billion things that Kirk/Spock writers regard as fanon that has no canon basis, but my current confusion is in regard to Jim being allergic to everything. The only two real pieces of canon in which it explicitly states that Kirk has an allergic reaction is in Wrath of Khan with Kirk being allergic to the stuff that will fix his eyesight and in reboot when he has an abnormal reaction to the virus McCoy injects him with to smuggle him on board the Enterprise. So how do these translate to Kirk being allergic to everything like a delicate flower? You could argue that in the alternate timeline, Jim has more allergies because those are not genetic and certain environmental factors could have given him lots of allergies, but really, it just seems weird. At least two fics I've read this week mention tomatoes specifically. For the love of god, he ate pizza in The Voyage Home! I don't even know where the fuck Vulcans and chocolate come from...But I like it. :P I read a TOS fic a while back in which it was sugar period that got Vulcans drunk.

-- I want to read a book. I got really tired of reading after college and student teaching, so this past year I've laid off reading actual books and have stuck with reading fan fic, but now I want to read something, but I don't know what. Can you guys recommend a nice book? Nothing depressing or extremely long (like a series, unless it's phenomenal), just something with a good plot and interesting characters. I don't like mysteries. I do of course like science fiction and general fiction books. I'm sure, based on my past and current fandoms, you'll know what I'm into.

--Listening to the Merlin season one soundtrack for fun. Fuck you season two, fuck you.

-- I've barely read any House fic, but I was going through my 'toread' tag on delicious and I decided to read this long one set in season three, and holy crap, I'm pretty sure it's something everyone has read if they read fic in that fandom, but on the off-chance that you haven't seen it or you don't normally read fic for this fandom, READ THIS FIC. Basically, it's a much more interesting way for the whole Tritter ordeal to work itself out. House and Wilson get fake married. It takes some surprising twists, fixes plot holes I didn't even think about, and House and Wilson are spot on. I feel like this could be the actual show, if the world loved slash like I do. Even the trial scenes are fucking exciting, and I usually hate trial scenes unless they're comedic in nature.

-- My mood theme is fucking boss. Easiest mood theme I ever uploaded, lol. I am never changing.

-- This macro. I can't even. Seriously, I laugh at it every time I see it. What movie is this from?

thinky thoughts, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, english nerd, halp

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