Lordy be, I don't know sometimes

Feb 04, 2010 22:13

That...was an odd episode.

SPN has been having this ugly trend this year. For half of the episode, it is awesome. This episode, last week's with the bodyswap, Changing Channels, list goes on and on, wherein half of the episode it's exciting, nail-biting, funny, awesome, epic, you name it, and then the latter half is dumb and they'll stop the episode for about 15 minutes and talk about how everything is fucked up and there is no hope and blah blah blah free will vs. destiny BLAH. So this short review will hit both the bad and good, just like the show is half bad, half good.


-Castiel caring about Sam and not wanting him dead, even if it would be the logical thing to do. I sense Sam/Castiel fic coming soon or at least OT3s.

-Sam's reaction to seeing his mom and dad. EXCELLENT. That alone was worth watching.

-Yay Dean defending John's actions to John. For once the writers aren't going to go on about John being a shit parent (for the record, I'm a middle-of-the-road John girl, meaning that I see where he went wrong and where he went right, and so he's a flawed father, not a saint or evil.)

-URIEL. Miss you, you crazy angel. Now I get why he had such a future hate-on for the Winchesters.


-Michael saying 'your darling Sammy.' I need more of their epic love. I still nearly cry over AHBL and Dean cradling Sam as he died. BRING THAT BACK.


-Erasing memories and once again throwing anvils on us about free will/destiny. Basically, nothing changed or really happened in this episode.

-The actor who plays John. Look, I can't believe that the guy they called John in this episode will, in four years, look like John did in the pilot episode. Jesus, did a demon make him age that fast? Couldn't they have cast someone just a bit older and gruffer, like JDM? When Michael was talking through John, I didn't feel the tension because it wasn't John to me. Remember Salvation when YED possessed JDM? Oh hell yeah, that was full of tension. Anyone could have been Michael right there, really. And speaking of him...

-The actor failed at sounding like Michael. Dude, there have been three episodes with the trickster, and in the last one he was in, we got to hear his serious voice, and it sounded nothing like what this actor was trying to do. He's about as bad as the new Meg. Hell, that guy in the brown suit who was possessed by the YED for a hot second in the last time travel episode did an awesome job.

-So Castiel is now the Winchesters Greyhound bus? That was his function: talk to Anna, cart them to the past at risk to himself, faint and stay unconscious for the majority of the episode.

-Not one mention that, oh yeah, Dean slept with this Anna chick? If I hadn't seen that episode, I wouldn't have guessed they really knew each other at all. God, I would have least threw in a joke about Dean being just as bad at having the girls he fucks turn nuts. Their semen truly is amazing.

I'm going to bingo next week, because this next episode looks like more bullshit. Season five is like a mix between season three and four, and it just comes out as kind of bland and just mildly entertaining. Hell, at least I'm enjoying the show, not wanting to make it DIAF like last season.

spn reaction

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