*Kitchen sink included

Feb 04, 2010 11:28

1.) Hi new friends! I'd do more of a welcome, but this is already belated and frankly I'm lazy, lol.


3.) TV has been good lately. Psych was HILARIOUS last night, and it further cemented my love for the epic Shawn/Gus bromance. I swear, I'm a ( Read more... )

spn, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, tos, space husbands, random, flist love, gifs, it's not lupus, lmao, recs, rant, psychics are hawt, chuck, rl, hellz to the yes

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vinylsigns February 4 2010, 17:48:03 UTC

You have no idea how much and HOW FREAKING LONG I've wanted the writers to GTFO with this characterization of Cuddy ASDFJKL; RAEG. Clearly, we just need to have all the rest of House episodes be Wilson-centric à la "Wilson", because that would be fucking BOSS and a million times more interesting than that strange mass of weak traits Cuddy has become/the desperate bid the writers are making at throwing her at House. Rawr.

SPN NIGHT, YEEEAAAAHHHHHHH. Cas is back and apparently bloodied up, so I am excite. Huzzah for Sammy getting to see his mom ^__^

HI I LOVE YOU LIKE KIRK LOVES SPOCK. Oh god, they're not even trying to be subtle about this shit ♥______♥

I think you'll be pleased to hear that we showed Star Trek XI to a friend of ours the other night, and instead of comments about how whipped Spock was by Uhura (like most friends I show it to), it was a constant stream of comments about Kirk & Spock's UST. I spent a lot of my time smiling into my tea and cackling :DDD


bigmamag February 4 2010, 18:50:00 UTC
LOL GIF WIN ALL AROUND. God, Cuddy. I used to like her somewhat, until the last three seasons, ESPECIALLY this one. That episode in Wilson's POV was the best I had seen in forever and I hope they do more in his POV. I'd totally watch a show told entirely in House and Wilson's POVs. Isn't this next one supposed to be in Cuddy's POV? How much do you want to bet that it will blow?

LOL, I am very pleased to hear that their love is blatantly obvious to all and sundry. :P My sister is awesome because even though she doesn't get slash and wouldn't make the connection, she turned to me in the theater during the elevator scene and was like, wtf? and then after we walked from the movie and went to Fuddrucker's, she sat down and was like, explain this trekkie, LOL. Sadly, I could only give her my sympathy. And my brother-in-law still calls Chekov 'jerk off' because that's what he heard. :P


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