Dec 01, 2009 01:09

Just finished watching the last episode of House and HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS ONE SLASHY EPISODE. Seriously, I'm glad I didn't watch it with my mom earlier, because I'd be flailing and squeeing like an idiot and ruining the show.

It broke my heart to hear House be honest and flat out tell Wilson, "because if you die, I'm alone." Holy crap, and not only that, but he DOES go to Wilson's surgery and even hangs out with him afterward, staying right by him for a long, long time because time passes and he's still there. And not only that, but House was LAUGHING with Wilson and it's rare enough to see House just happy without it being mocking and Housian, just laughing period.

And then the big bomb. I was waiting this entire season for the jig to be up and for the writers to have House move out on his own. I knew it was coming one day, either as an afterthought like it was in season two or as an explosion. When Wilson said "get out" and had his break down, I was disappointed but okay because I'd prepared myself for the eventuality because it was too good to be true, so therefore it couldn't last, right?


The ending. Wilson bought the loft Cuddy was trying to get, evilly doing it because, and I quote, "She hurt my friend." Which is AWESOME and I loved how House is self-improving by being more caring while Wilson is self-improving by being meaner. But then THEY ARE MOVING IN TOGETHER.

THEY ARE GOING TO LIVE TOGETHER IN A LARGE HOUSE BECAUSE CLEARLY THEY JUST NEEDED MORE ROOM. Ladies and gentlemen, have you met slash? Because this whole episode is a by-the-book representation of it. I think this episode ranks somewhere in my private top 10 slashiest television episodes of all time.

slash, shaking and crying, it's not lupus

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